Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements and Information Items

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.


The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


·       Community First Update

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire Update

·       BSW Together (Integrated Care System) Update

·       Update on the Families and Children's Transformation (FACT) Family Help Project

·       Update on FACT Transitional Safeguarding Project

·       Overview of Wiltshire Youth Council

·       Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Consultation


The Chairman made the following announcements as per the agenda pack:


  • Community First Update
  • Healthwatch Wiltshire Update
  • BSW Together (Integrated Care System) Update
  • Update on the Families and Children's Transformation (FACT) Family Help Project
  • Update on FACT Transitional Safeguarding Project
  • Overview of Wiltshire Youth Council
  • Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Consultation


In addition, the Chairman noted that a letter had been received from the Editor of the Maiden Bradley Parish Newsletter which expressed gratitude towards the Area Board following a grant which they had received.

Supporting documents: