Agenda item

Wiltshire Council Financial Plan 2013/14

To consider the Leader’s motion on the Financial Plan and the Budget and council tax levels for 2013/14 following the recommendations of Cabinet from its meeting on 12 February 2013.


The following documents relate to this item:


  Declaration of Interest


Please refer to minute no. 3 above.



Public Participation


Mrs Landell-Mills addressed Council on the Budget. In particular she explained her disappointment at the Council’s withdrawal of funding for the Wiltshire Victoria County History project. She hoped the Council would be able to extend its support to ensure the completion of Volume 9 which only required a few more months work prior to publication next year and that the Council should remain involved in the project.


Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet member for Transformation, Culture, Leisure and Libraries explained that due to the financial pressures on the Council, it was having to make some difficult decisions. However, he reassured Mrs Landell-Mills that every effort would be made to support the completion of Volume 9.




The Chairman explained how she intended to manage the debate on the budget as summarised in the previously circulated paper regarding the budget process.


The Chairman drew Councillors’ attention to the various budget papers which had been previously circulated as follows:

·         The Leader’s Budget Speech (This was circulated at the meeting - Appendix B to these minutes)

·         Budget report which included comments from the Special Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee held on 7 February 2013 and recommendations from Cabinet on 12 February 2013

·         Financial Plan

·         Updated appendices to the Financial Plan

·         Minutes and report of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

·         Extract from minutes of Cabinet held on 12 February 2013

·         Report on Council tax setting

The Chairman reminded Council that it had a legal obligation to set a budget today. She explained that she would first call upon the Leader of the Council to present and propose the Budget and her Cabinet’s recommendation. She would then call upon the Chairman of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to present the minutes and report of his Committee held on 7 February. Group Leaders would then be called to comment and respond to the Leader’s proposals. As was customary, the Chairman explained that Group Leaders would not be limited to five minutes. 

Accordingly, the Chairman invited Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council, to present her budget speech as circulated at the meeting.


The Leader highlighted the Council’s achievements over the last four years which were also highlighted in a short DVD film shown at the meeting.

She also referred to the challenges which the Council continued to face in terms of increased demands for its services and the financial pressures as a consequence of significant reductions in Government funding. The Leader explained that she was proud of the achievements that had been delivered and that in tough times, the Council had managed to sustain its front line services and continued to support the most vulnerable in its communities.


The Leader thanked all staff who had worked tremendously hard during a challenging time in local government. She thanked all Councillors for their contribution and the roles they played as back-bench members or as members of scrutiny committees which ensured a constructive challenge to the Cabinet and members of the Schools Forum. She thanked the Corporate Directors and in particular, she thanked the Service Director for Finance and his team for the production of this year’s budget and supporting papers.


The Leader moved the Budget as recommended by Cabinet at its meeting on 12 February which included agreeing the Council’s budget of £340.518 million; a continued freeze on the Council’s element of council tax; to set rents and fees and charges and the allocation of a new Rural Grant of £0.362 million between the base budgets for Area Boards and school improvements.

The proposal was seconded by Cllr John Thomson, Deputy Leader.


Cllr Trevor Carbin, Chairman of the Special Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee presented the views of his Committee dated 12 February in the form of its minutes and report. Cllr Carbin thanked Paul Kelly, the Council’s Designated Scrutiny Officer and his team for their hard work in supporting the scrutiny function.


Group Leaders were then given an opportunity to comment and respond to the Leader’s proposals. The Chairman then opened the debate to all other Councillors. A number of questions and points were made during the debate to which the Leader or relevant Cabinet members responded. The Leader of the Council as mover of the motion, exercised her right of reply and responded to a number of points made during the debate.


Cllr Jon Hubbard requested a separate vote on the part of the motion relating to the freezing of council tax. However, it was explained that it would not be sound to take the budget piecemeal.


Following debate and on being put to the vote, it was




That Council adopt the following:

  1. To endorse the update of the 2012-15 Financial Plan for 2013/14 as presented.


  1. To allocate the new Rural Grant allocated to Wiltshire on 5th February of £0.362 million between the base budgets for Area Boards (£0.162 million) and School Improvement (£0.200 million) as set out at paragraph 6.7 of the report presented.


  1. To approve the savings and investment proposals summarised at Sections 9 and 7 respectively of the report presented and Sections 4 and 5 of Cabinet’s proposed Financial Plan at Appendix 1 of the report presented. Along with the net nil changes for the Rural Grant to provide a net revenue budget for 2013/14 of £340.518 million.


  1. To:


                 i.          Freeze Wiltshire Council’s element of the Band D council tax for 2013/14 £1,222.43, as calculated in accordance with statute, as set out in Section 10 of the report presented.


               ii.          Set the Council’s total net expenditure budget for 2013/14 at £340.518 million.


              iii.          Approve the award of grants to Parish and Town Councils as set out under Sections 10.9 and 10.10 of this report so no such precepting body is impacted by the local Council Tax support scheme introduced for 2013/14;


              iv.          Set a 3.4% increase for dwelling rents in accordance with rent restructuring;


               v.          Set the Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2013/14 (original) as set out at Appendix F of Cabinet’s proposed Financial Plan at Appendix 1 of the report presented;


              vi.          That all other rent or service charges related to the Housing Revenue Account be frozen at 2011/12 levels.


            vii.          To approve the Capital programme at Appendix E of Cabinet’s proposed Financial Plan, attached to the report presented at Appendix 1.


           viii.          Set the changes in fees and charges set out in detail at Section 6 of Cabinet’s proposed Financial Plan at Appendix 1 of the report presented.

Supporting documents: