Agenda item

Allocation of Funding for Pupil Growth 2019-20

The report of Grant Davis (Schools Strategic Financial Support Manager) seeks agreement on the methodology for allocating funding for pupil growth from the school’s block growth fund in 2019-20 and the amount of funding to be allocated for pupil growth.


Grant Davis (Schools Strategic Financial Support Manager) referred to the report which sought agreement on the methodology for allocating funding for pupil growth from the School’s block in setting a growth fund in 2019/20.  Grant highlighted the following:


·       There had been a change in the methodology for funding local authorities for growth and it was now based on the actual growth in pupil numbers they experienced the previous year.  This would ensure that over time local authorities are funded on the basis of the actual growth they experience (on a lagged basis), rather than being based upon historical spending decisions;


·       £2.2 million had been allocated to Wiltshire for growth in 2019/20.  The DfE measure growth within local authorities at “middle layer support output area (MSOA) 1 level.  In Wiltshire, there are 62 MSOA’s with an average of 4 schools in each MSOA area.  The table at paragraph 13 on page 56 of the Agenda shows how the Wiltshire allocation has been calculated;


·       The DfE expect Local Authorities to use their own funding formula for growth and have previously confirmed that Wiltshire’s current growth fund criteria is fully compliant with the funding regulations;


·       The list of requirements for allocating funding from the growth fund must include the agreement from Schools Forum on both the criteria and size of the fund to be allocated;


·       Historically Schools Forum have agreed an annual budget of £1 million to be retrained for funding pupil growth and in the report, it was suggested that this be increase to £1.2 million for 2019/20.  Since the preparation of the report it is now recommended by Officers that the budget remain at £1 million (from the allocation of £2.2 million), based upon need for 2019/20 and enabling funds to be used elsewhere to fund known cost pressures;


·       During 2019/20 there would be two new primary schools opening, one in Amesbury to meet an increase in the basis need of the area and the other in Ludgershall to deal with the increase in demand following the Army Basing Programme.  The increase of pupil numbers for both schools was unknown as yet and parental choice will impact upon the popularity of both schools;


·       The Authority successfully secured £0.75 million of funding from the MOD’s Education Support Fund to support the preparations and recruitment in schools directly affected by the Army Basing Programme.  This funding will help to ensure that Wiltshire Schools are not disadvantaged as result of the programme; and


·       Additional funding has also been promised by the DfE towards the significant growth in pupil numbers through the Army Basing Programme.


The Chair wished to record his thanks for the hard work that was undertaken by Officers to secure funding through the MOD’s ESF and also to the Councillors and MP’s that had supported Officers to gain agreement from the DfE that the additional growth funding would be made available. 





1.    That Schools Forum note the report.


2.    Approve the criteria for allocating pupil Growth Fund in 2019/20.


3.    That Schools Forum will consider later in the meeting that the budget for the Growth Fund be set at a maximum of £1 million for 2019/20, with the remaining £1.2 million being returned to the schools’ block for allocation as part of the budget decision making process.

Supporting documents: