Issue - meetings

Air Quality and Sustainable Transport

Meeting: 20/11/2023 - Devizes Area Board (Item 56)

Air Quality and Sustainable Transport

To receive any updates from the Devizes Air Quality and Sustainable Transport Group meeting on 9 November 2023.


Councillor Tamara Reay and Richard Rogers updated the Area Board on the recent activity of the Air Quality and Sustainable Transport group, including the opportunities presented by the recently allocated air quality funding, the town centre bus service, Wiltshire Connect, the draft Air Quality Action Plan and Supplementary Planning Document and the status of the Devizes Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), which is now awaiting sign-off.


Councillor Simon Jacobs noted that for all the improvements being done towards public buses, they were often very dirty and warranted more regular cleaning. Councillor Tamara Reay echoed the sentiment and explained that the point was noted and would be pursued after the meeting.  

Meeting: 11/09/2023 - Devizes Area Board (Item 43)

Air Quality and Sustainable Transport

To receive any updates and consider any recommendations arising from the Devizes Air Quality and Sustainable Transport Group meeting on 7 September 2023.


The Area Board received an update from Cllr Tamara Reay following the Devizes Air Quality and Sustainable Transport Group meeting on 7 September 2023. The update covered the following points:

·       The Group comprises of representatives from the Town Council as well as other town-based organisations with reps from other Parishes welcome to attend.

·       The next meeting would be on Thursday 9 November 2023.

·       A brief update of the highlights of the last meeting was provided, which included:

o   There is a drive to recruit Woodland Officers.

o   A Wiltshire Connect bus service has launched as well as an app.

o   It has been considered how various initiatives can be joined to improve air quality which has community ownership.

o   The LCWIP consultation has now finished.

o   EV Charging points are now in place at the Station Road Carpark.