Issue - meetings

Update on the council's response to the Climate Emergency

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Update on the council's response to the Climate Emergency

To receive the report from the Corporate Director Place.

Supporting documents:




That Cabinet notes the actions taken in response to the climate emergency following the last update in October 2023, including the council’s annual Greenhouse Gas Report, the KPI scorecard, and the direction of travel for 2025.


Reason for Proposals


To provide Cabinet with an update on the progress made over the past year in response to the climate emergency and progress towards carbon neutrality. To highlight further activities that are being progressed and to outline the areas of focus going forward which will be set out in more detail in the new Climate Delivery Plan due for completion by the end of 2024.


Cllr Dominic Muns Cabinet Member for Waste and Environment presented a report which provided an update on progress and actions taken in response to the climate emergency.


Cllr Muns explained that this was the ninth update received by Cabinet and the Council had made significant progress against the seven Climate Strategy themes, with an overview of performance and examples of delivery detailed in Appendix 1. He also reported on the detail of performance against climate-related key performance indicators as set out in appendix 2 of the report and confirmed that the Council was broadly on track to deliver on its goal to be carbon neutral by 2030, and thanked officers for their efforts.


Cllr Reay commented on the transport theme and in particular highlighted the success of Wiltshire Connect on-demand bus service in the Pewsey Vale, and thanked officers for their input.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group congratulated all involved in achieving considerable success for the seven delivery themes detailed in the Climate Strategy. He commented on the work being undertaken with partners and how engagement could be increased for instance with the NHS. He also commented on Stone Circle and how house building can be seen as a high carbon industry, communications on climate issues through schools, and the issue of fuel poverty. The Leader and Cllr Muns confirmed that the council is currently working with businesses, organisations and residents in the County on climate themes. Discussions with Stone Circle continue, and they are encouraged to use products that contribute towards the council’s net zero position. Retrofitting of HRA properties continues. The Communications Team continues to publish good news articles about positive activities in relation to climate change, and residents who could claim the winter fuel allowance but have not previously made a claim are being encouraged to claim this important allowance.   


Members also commented on Scope 3 emissions and diversion from landfill at Household Recycling Centres. The Cabinet noted that a number of schemes and projects were reliant on government funding, and this could impact progress in some areas. Cllr Muns also confirmed that the Council would be willing to attend a local COP event.




That Cabinet notes the actions taken in response to the climate emergency following the last update in October 2023, including the council’s annual Greenhouse Gas Report, the KPI scorecard, and the direction of travel for 2025.


Reason for Proposals


To provide Cabinet with an update on the progress made over the past year in response to the climate emergency and progress towards carbon neutrality. To highlight further activities that are being progressed and to outline the areas of focus going forward which will be set out in more detail in the new Climate Delivery Plan due for completion by the end of 2024.