Issue - meetings

Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter One Capital Budget Monitoring

Meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 98)

98 Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter One Capital Budget Monitoring

To receive the report of the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Resources and Director of Finance and Procurement (S151 Officer).

Supporting documents:


Cabinet approved:


a)    the allocation of £0.023m budget for Legal Case Management systems to be added to the ICT applications capital scheme budget line to be funded through revenue contributions;


b)   the virement from Structural Maintenance and Bridges (£1m) and Highways Investment Plan (£1m) to support the reconstruction of the B4069 at Lyneham Banks;


c)    the allocation of £3m of commuted sums to support the reconstruction of the B4069 at Lyneham Banks;


d)   the allocation of £3m to support the construction of a new Integrated Care Centre in Trowbridge from Community Infrastructure Levy;


e)    the virement of budget from the High Needs Provision Capital Allowance capital scheme line of £1.100m to Basic Need (£0.600m) and Schools Maintenance and Modernisation (£0.500m);


Cabinet noted:


f)     The additional budgets added to the programme of £22.218m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


g)   the removal of £0.403m budget (£0.365m in line with 2024/25 grant award; £0.038m completed project budget) under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;  


h)   the budgets brought forward from future years into the 2024/25 programme totalling £8.055m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;  


i)     the budgets reprogrammed from 2024/25 into future years totalling £65.750m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


j)     Budget Movements between Schemes as detailed in Appendix A;


k)    the revised 2024/25 Capital Programme forecast as at quarter one of £225.721m;


l)     the capital spend as of 30 June 2024 of £24.877m;


Reason for Proposals


To inform effective decision making and ensure sound financial management as part of the Councils overall control environment.


To inform Cabinet on the financial position of the Council on the 2024/25 capital programme as at quarter one (30 June 2024).


Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management, and Strategic Planning, presented a report which provided details of the 2024/25 Capital Programme position as at end of June 2024 – Quarter 1.


Cabinet noted the update provided about significant schemes planned for delivery and those that have been reprofiled to future years.


Cllr Chris Williams, Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny management Committee reported that the Management Committee considered the report on 12 September 2024 which was noted. The further detailed scrutiny would be undertaken by the Financial Planning Task Group as detailed below. The Management Committee welcomed the offer from officers to provide a briefing note for all members on the management of phosphates on land and how the council recoups the costs of this from developers. 


Cllr Pip Ridout, Chairman of the Financial Planning Task Group, reported that the Task Group considered the report on 13 September 2024. The Task Group asked numerous questions about issues raised in the report, these included questions about assessing capital need, financial implications of borrowing and Stone Circle loans. 


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, noted that the Capital Programme had ambitious targets and commented on the development of the Capital Programme and how this could be improved to avoid delays with projects being recast to later years.




Cabinet approved:


a)    the allocation of £0.023m budget for Legal Case Management systems to be added to the ICT applications capital scheme budget line to be funded through revenue contributions;


b)    the virement from Structural Maintenance and Bridges (£1m) and Highways Investment Plan (£1m) to support the reconstruction of the B4069 at Lyneham Banks;


c)    the allocation of £3m of commuted sums to support the reconstruction of the B4069 at Lyneham Banks;


d)    the allocation of £3m to support the construction of a new Integrated Care Centre in Trowbridge from Community Infrastructure Levy;


e)    the virement of budget from the High Needs Provision Capital Allowance capital scheme line of £1.100m to Basic Need (£0.600m) and Schools Maintenance and Modernisation (£0.500m);


Cabinet noted:


f)     The additional budgets added to the programme of £22.218m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


g)    the removal of £0.403m budget (£0.365m in line with 2024/25 grant award; £0.038m completed project budget) under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers; 


h)    the budgets brought forward from future years into the 2024/25 programme totalling £8.055m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers; 


i)      the budgets reprogrammed from 2024/25 into future years totalling £65.750m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


j)      Budget Movements between Schemes as detailed in Appendix A;


k)    the revised 2024/25 Capital Programme forecast as at quarter one of £225.721m;


l)      the capital spend as of 30 June 2024 of £24.877m;


Reason for Proposals


To inform effective decision making and ensure sound financial management as part of the Councils overall control environment.


To inform Cabinet on the financial position of the Council on the 2024/25 capital programme as at quarter one (30 June 2024).