Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring, Performance & Risk Management 2019/20 Q1

Meeting: 23/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 103)

103 Budget Monitoring, Performance & Risk Management 2019/20 Q1

Report by Executive Directors Dr Carlton Brand, Alistair Cunningham OBE and Terence Herbert.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of the Council, presented the report which (i) advised on the Budget Monitoring, Performance & Risk Management position 2019/20 Quarter 1 (30 June 2019) for the financial year 2019/20 with suggested actions as appropriate; (ii) Provided information about the position of the 2019/20 revenue and capital budgets as at quarter 1 (30 June 2019), including highlighting any budget changes; ,and (iii) provided an update on the progress against the stated aims in the Council’s Business Plan including measures from the corporate performance framework as well as the latest version of the Council’s strategic risk register as at the end of June 2019.



The Leader explained that (i) the report brings together, for the first time, regular reports on Budget Monitoring and Performance & Risk Management, combining key information to give a complete picture of financial and non-financial performance; (ii) forecasts indicated a general fund variance of £0.500m, being 0.2% of the Council’s net budget, equivalent to half a day’s spend; (iii) the Dedicated Schools Grant coming under increased pressure in Wiltshire as it is across the country, with a current forecast for a £3m overspend.


In response to comments and a question from Cllr Ian Thorn, Chair of the Financial Planning Task Group, about the Dedicated Schools Grant and the Waste Management Contract, the Leader reported on the implications of the delays in implementing the Waste management Contract. He explained that work was being undertaken on the design of the new collection rounds to ensure that the contractor can deliver in accordance with the original tendered solution.


A question was received from Mr Gale about the lack of information contained in the report and absence of support from the Council in relation to trains and buses in rural areas of the County, especially in the Pewsey Vale area, and support to undertake a survey of train passengers. The Leader commented on the £7m subsidies given to bus services in the county and confirmed that the Council did not have specific funding aimed towards buses and trains within the Highways budget.  The Leader asked Mr Gale to forward details of the issues to him for further investigation.  Cllr Church reported that the Swindon and Wiltshire LEP had commissioned a paper on rail services in Wiltshire which was being published on 24 July 2019, which may include some of the information Mr Gale was asking for.  Cllr Clare Cape explained that a survey of rail passengers was undertaken in Chippenham earlier in 2019, with a number of the recommendations being implemented by Great Western Railways.


In response to an additional question from Cllr Richard Clewer about contract monitoring and management (composite risk), the Director of Finance and Procurement explained that a significant level of training continued to be undertaken, along with work to build on learning networks within the organisation. The work would be supported by the Procurement Team.





1.    To note


a.    the General Fund quarter 1 projected year end outturn is an overspend  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103