Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Kieran Elliott
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for this meeting only Minutes: On the motion of Councillor Ruth Hopkinson, seconded by Councillor Allison Bucknell, it was,
To elect Councillor Paul Oatway QPM as Chairman for the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To make any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations. Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Consideration of a Dispensation Request To consider a dispensation request from Councillor Brian Dalton and any others who may submit requests ahead of the meeting date. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a request for a dispensation as set out in the Agenda from Councillor Brian Dalton.
The Sub-Committee reviewed the requests, considered the criteria under which a dispensation could be granted, requesting that the dispensation request form be updated to ensure Members were specific on the nature of the request and the reason, and after debate, it was,
Resolved: To grant a dispensation to remain in the room, in respect of matters relating to a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as set out in the report, for Councillor Brian Dalton (Member of Wiltshire Council)
For a period up to the conclusion of the current council term (12 May 2025) for the following reasons:
Being otherwise appropriate.