Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 8 October 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Stuart Figini  Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies received.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm as a true and correct record and sign the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 17 September 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2024 were presented, and it was,




To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee or Monitoring Officer.


There were no declarations of interest.


Leader's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council.


There were no announcements from the Leader.



Public Participation and Questions from Members

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.


This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by Members of the Council. 


Questions must be submitted to by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 2 October 2024.


Written notice of a wish to make a statement should also be provided wherever possible.


There were no general questions received for this meeting, however, a number of questions were received for agenda item 7 – Wiltshire Local Plan Review and these were considered under that item.



Devolution Update

To receive a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:




Cabinet noted:


1.    The expression of interest submitted to government


2.    The intention to continue discussions with neighbouring councils as appropriate



Reason for Decision:


Devolution should provide greater freedoms and flexibilities allowing councils to work more effectively to improve services for local residents.



Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council, presented a report providing an update on Wiltshire Council’s expression of interest in devolution submitted to government.


The Leader reported that the Deputy Prime Minister wrote to council leaders in July 2024, following the King’s Speech, inviting councils to “partner with Government to deliver the most ambitious programme of devolution this country has ever seen”. The letter stated an intention to devolve new powers over transport, skills, housing, planning and employment support. He explained that since receipt of the letter Wiltshire had held a range of discussions with neighbouring areas to understand their preferences and where there are shared aspirations.


Cabinet noted that expressions of interest in devolution were requested for the end of September 2024. Dorset, Somerset, and Wiltshire Councils have now submitted expressions of interest in devolution for the ‘Heart of Wessex’, with the leaders of the three councils acknowledging the varying goals and priorities for their respective areas, but also noting that there were other important areas to explore for working together under one umbrella.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, recognised that the devolution process was being forced on Local Authorities by the Government and noted that the economic arguments were not clear. He stressed the importance of residents being involved in discussions about the future structure of any combined authority in the area. The Leader confirmed that there were two options existed for the new structure - the creation of a combined authority with the Leader being the representative from each Local Authority and for a combined authority with a mayor. The Leader confirmed that residents would be consulted on any future model once clarity had been received from Government in relation to timescales and the final decision-making process. He accepted that information was limited at this stage and explained that this was the first opportunity to share the information that was available.


Additional comments were received from Cllr Jackson, Cllr Grant, Cllr Cape and Cllr Budden about the potential to include Hampshire in the scope of ‘The Heart of Wessex’ in the expression of interest, the M4 being the economic driver for Wiltshire, whether any conversations had taken place with the Leader of West Berkshire, reference to the Integrated Care Board and the additional levels of complexity associated with the proposals and the need to include detail about economic linkages in the expressions of interest.




Cabinet noted:


1.    The expression of interest submitted to government


2.    The intention to continue discussions with neighbouring councils as appropriate


Reason for Decision:


Devolution should provide greater freedoms and flexibilities allowing councils to work more effectively to improve services for local residents.



Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Submission of Draft Plan

       To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.


The appendices to the report are included in a separate supplementary document published with this agenda.

Supporting documents:




That Cabinet:



1.    Endorses the submission of the draft Wiltshire Local Plan review Pre-submission Draft Plan at Appendix 1 together with relevant associated documentation for independent examination;


2.    Recommends to Full Council that the Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Pre-submission Draft Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for independent examination together with relevant associated documentation;


3.    Directs that submission is accompanied by a request that the Inspector appointed to carry out the examination recommends any modifications necessary to make the Plan sound and legally compliant in accordance with Section 20(7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended); and


4.    Authorises the Director of Planning to take or authorise such steps as may be necessary for the independent examination of the Plan to be completed, including:


a.             Make appropriate arrangements for submission of the Plan and the completion and submission of all documents relating to the Plan;


b.             Make all necessary arrangements for examination including – the appointment of a Programme Officer; the undertaking and/or commissioning of other work necessary to prepare for and participate at examination; proposing main and/or minor modifications to the Plan and/or modifications to the Policies Map; entering into Memorandums of Understanding and Statements of Common Ground; and the delegation to officers and other commissioned experts to prepare and submit evidence, representations and submissions to the examination  and, where necessary, appear at any hearing sessions and represent the council; and


c.             Implement any consequential actions relating to the examination, including undertaking any consultation that may be necessary, and publishing the recommendations and reasons of the person appointed to carry out the examination.


Reason for decision:


To ensure that progress continues to be made on updating Wiltshire’s Local Plan in line with the commitment set out in the council’s Local Development Scheme and statutory requirements, and an efficient examination process.



Cllr Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning presented the report informing Cabinet of the response to the Regulation 19 consultation on the Pre-submission Draft Plan. The report also sought Cabinet’s endorsement to recommend Full Council approve the submission of the Plan for independent examination and sought delegated authority to make appropriate arrangements for the submission of the Plan and associated documents to the Secretary of State and for the independent examination of the Plan.


Cllr Botterill highlighted that the adopted Local Plan (Wiltshire Core Strategy) is nine years old. Many sites have been developed and policies were starting to become dated. This new Local Plan presents an opportunity for Wiltshire Council to update policies and site allocations to align with national policy, setting an ambitious approach to delivering the council’s carbon reduction and sustainability ambitions.


He reported that the Plan will become one of Council’s most important strategic documents. The Plan has been in development since 2017, with over 10,700 comments being received during the recent Regulation 19 statutory consultation. The comments of which were thoroughly reviewed, and further work carried out to ensure the Plan would be ready for examination. A Regulation 22 statement has been prepared summarising the main issues raised through the consultation and the Council’s initial response. Cllr Botterill commended Cabinet for rejecting a proposal at a previous Cabinet meeting to hold a further Regulation 18 consultation as this now enabled the Council to proceed to examination using the housing number within the Plan, rather than the higher housing number being proposed by Government.


Cabinet noted that the Government has recently consulted on changes to the planning system, including changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and the way housing need is calculated. It is expected that transitional arrangements will be in place to allow the Plan to be submitted for examination in its current form. 


Eleven public questions were received for the meeting and these were included in the published agenda supplement together with written responses prior to this meeting. In addition, a number of statements were received from Louise Weissel, Simon Hetzel, Jonathan Francis, and Adrian Temple-Brown, all being circulated to Cabinet members prior to the meeting and four were read out by the originators who attended the meeting.


Supplementary questions were received from:


  • Brian Firth asked about any discussions held with the Planning Inspectorate prior to submission of the Plan and the process if the Plan was either withdrawn or in need of modification. Cllr Botterill explained that Officers had liaised with the Planning Inspectorate and the Plan is considered ready for examination. Further consultation would be required as part of the examination for those areas where modifications were recommended by the Inspector.
  • John Potter asked for clarification on the meaning of reserve sites. The Leader and Cllr Botterill explained that these were sites that were being held in reserve in the event that other sites in the Plan did not come forward as anticipated.
  • Louise Weissel  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111.


Enforcement Policy

To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place.

Supporting documents:




To recommend that Full Council:


1.    Adopt the Enforcement Policy as set out at Appendix 1.


2.    Delegate the maintenance of service specific enforcement policies (in line with the overall enforcement policy and changes to national guidance and legislation) to Directors in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.



That Cabinet approve:


3.    The incorporation of relevant Enforcement Indicators as set out on at the end of Appendix 1 into the Corporate Scorecard, subject to ongoing review by the Leader of the Council.


Reason for Decision:


An assertive and coordinated approach to enforcement will help to increase compliance, prevent further infringements and deter other offenders (in line with the commitment in the Business Plan to ‘prevention and early intervention’ as a guiding theme).



Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for Military-Civilian Integration, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts and Tourism presented a report which provided an update to the Enforcement Policy for approval by Full Council.


The Leader explained that the aim of the Policy is to reinforce a ‘one council’ approach to enforcement activity across Wiltshire Council, consistent with the Regulators Code and the Council’s aim to remain focused on prevention, as an effective means of ensuring that businesses and individuals, local premises, practices and activities comply with legislation and statutory requirements.


Cabinet members welcomed the Policy update and felt that it provided a consistent and structured approach to specific problems and deals with a number of complex issues.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, who had to leave this meeting prior to this item being considered, had his comments displayed at the meeting. He indicated that due to the cross-cutting nature of the Policy, all Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Select Committees received a briefing on 3 October 2024. Discussions focussing on local enforcement issues which highlighted the importance of the new Policy. Questions were asked about the scope of the Policy, how it would be communicated to residents and embedded into the work of the Council. Select Committees would follow up on proposed enforcement indicators as appropriate.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the Policy.


Cllr Budden suggested the Policy required some edits and revisions to be useful. The Leader confirmed that the Policy brings together all enforcement policies and that the clarity of the Policy’s wording would be considered further.




To recommend that Full Council:


1.    Adopt the Enforcement Policy as set out at Appendix 1.


2.    Delegate the maintenance of service specific enforcement policies (in line with the overall enforcement policy and changes to national guidance and legislation) to Directors in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.


That Cabinet approve:


3.    The incorporation of relevant Enforcement Indicators as set out on at the end of Appendix 1 into the Corporate Scorecard, subject to ongoing review by the Leader of the Council.


Reason for Decision:


An assertive and coordinated approach to enforcement will help to increase compliance, prevent further infringements and deter other offenders (in line with the commitment in the Business Plan to ‘prevention and early intervention’ as a guiding theme).


Recommissioning of Children and Young People's Mental Health Services

       To receive a report from the Chief Executive.


Supporting documents:




To approve:


1.    Wiltshire Council entering a 3-year extension to the jointly commissioned Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service with Bath and Northeast Somerset Council and the Integrated Care Board, provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.


2.    To approve the spend of £518,000 per year, for 3 years. This is a total of £1,554,000 for the 3-year period.


3.    To initiate a range of early help pilot programmes from existing underspend in Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Service provision to develop a strategic plan for the overarching review of children and young people's mental health services to support the recommissioning of services at the end of the extension period.


4.    To delegate authority to approve the extensions and all associated documents to the Director Commissioning and Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills.


Reason for Decision:


Wiltshire Council will continue to support early intervention and prevention and

increased resilience in Children and Young Peoples mental health.


This will allow Oxford Health to continue providing Child and Adolescent Mental

Health Services (CAMHS) to Wiltshire’s community without a reduction in

service provision.


The extension period of 3 years will enable Wiltshire Council Commissioning to

realise the potential of recommissioning Children’s and Young Peoples Mental

Health Services by allowing time to complete a full and thorough review of the

mental health services currently commissioned within the broad Wiltshire



During this time a range of initiatives will be piloted to inform the review of

children and young people mental health services and ensure that future

commissioning proposals are informed by successful programmes and



Currently Wiltshire Council are inputting £518,000 per annum into the CAMHS

contract, with the ICB contributing £18,341,991. Additionally, the BSW ICB fund

a further £518,000 towards a range of mental health services commissioned by

Wiltshire Council.



Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills presented a report which sought approval to utilise a 3-year extension clause in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) contract jointly commissioned with the Bath and Northeast Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICG) and provided by Oxford Health Foundation Trust to enable the continuation of mental health support to children and young people.


The Deputy Leader explained that the extension period of 3 years will enable Wiltshire Council Commissioning to realise the potential of recommissioning Children’s and Young Peoples Mental Health Services by allowing time to complete a full and thorough review of the mental health services currently commissioned within the broad Wiltshire system. During this time a range of initiatives will be piloted to inform the review and ensure that future commissioning proposals are informed by successful programmes and interventions.


Cabinet noted that currently Wiltshire Council are contributing £518,000 per annum into the CAMHS contract, with the ICB contributing £18,341,991. Additionally, the BSW ICB fund a further £518,000 towards a range of mental health services commissioned by Wiltshire Council.


Cllr Jon Hubbard, Chair of Children’s Select Committee, reported that he had received a briefing on 4 October 2024 and raised concerns about the 3-year extension to the contract on the basis that the provider had not delivered on previously made promises for instance CAMHS in schools. He supported the proposed way forward.


Members commented on the underspend and how this would initiate a range of early help pilot programmes and sought confirmation that the Council’s contribution remained the same for each year of the contract. The Deputy Leader agreed that the contract extension is lengthy, however this is due to the complexity of the policy and the ongoing improvements being made.  There would be a genuine re-evaluation of the contract provider during the 3-year contract extension. The Council also has a larger influence in the contract than its financial contribution suggests.




To approve:


1.    Wiltshire Council entering a 3-year extension to the jointly commissioned Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service with Bath and Northeast Somerset Council and the Integrated Care Board, provided by Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.


2.    To approve the spend of £518,000 per year, for 3 years. This is a total of £1,554,000 for the 3-year period.


3.    To initiate a range of early help pilot programmes from existing underspend in Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Service provision to develop a strategic plan for the overarching review of children and young people's mental health services to support the recommissioning of services at the end of the extension period.


4.    To delegate authority to approve the extensions and all associated documents to the Director Commissioning and Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills.


Reason for Decision:


Wiltshire Council will continue to support early intervention and prevention and increased resilience in Children and Young Peoples  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113.


Chippenham One Plan and Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan

       To receive a report from the Corporate Director, Place


Supporting documents:


That Cabinet:


In relation to the One Plan, and subject to any other minor alterations to improve its clarity:


1.    Note the contents and recommendations of the One Plan (Appendix 1);


2.    Recognise the One Plan as an evidence-based document to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance; and


3.    Endorse the One Plan as a material consideration in the making of planning decisions.


In relation to the Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan, and subject to other minor alterations to improve its clarity:


4.    Note the contents and recommendations of the Master Plan (Appendix 3);


5.    Recognise the Master Plan as an evidence-based document to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance; and


6.    Endorse the Master Plan as a material consideration in the making of planning decisions.


7.    Note the council’s intent to contribute funding of up to £1 million via Community Infrastructure Levy to the project, subject to match funding and contractual arrangements being in place which will be confirmed in a further report to cabinet.


Reason for Decision:


To ensure the regeneration of Chippenham town centre with the aim of boosting Chippenham’s economy, enhancing the environment and celebrating the town’s heritage.



Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for Military-Civilian Integration, Health and Wellbeing, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts and Tourism presented a report with the following two elements:


·       One Plan – to provide the basis for a Framework Masterplan for Chippenham with the aim of boosting Chippenham’s economy, enhancing the environment and celebrating the town’s heritage.

·       Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan – to provide improved flood mitigation and the public realm through the town centre as well as providing a focal point for the town.


The Leader explained that the Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board (TCPB) oversees and coordinates the regeneration of Chippenham Town Centre and had a holistic approach to the economic, environmental and social well-being opportunities. Wiltshire Council has been working in collaboration with the TCPB which is chaired by the Member of Parliament for Chippenham and had a membership consisting of principal civic, community and commercial stakeholders. The board aims to establish a vision and blueprint for Chippenham and identify key tasks necessary for its delivery.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group commented on the meetings of the Partnership Board and the necessary conversations with landowners and anchor stores to inform the masterplan process. The Leader confirmed that the Partnership Board would be holding a further meeting soon, and the local MP for Chippenham would continue to chair these meetings. The Council were using the model employed for the Partnership Board in Salisbury, although the difference being that landowners have been included in Chippenham discussions.


Cllr Nic Puntis, Portfolio Holder for Flooding, provided detail about the issues being experienced with the radial sluice gate in this location of the River Avon and proposals for the river to be a connecting feature to the town centre. He confirmed that most of the costs were being met by the Environment Agency.


Cllr Clare Cape commented on the date of the next Chippenham Town Centre Partnership Board, whether the local MP had seen the proposals, and the role of the Council’s Planning Committee’s. The Leader explained that dates for future meetings of the Partnership Board were being set up and a meeting would be held very soon, he confirmed that the local MP had been aware of the proposals prior to the parliamentary elections, the One Plan had been approved by the Partnership Board and that each project would be subject to the submission of planning applications in due course.


Cllr Adrian Foster explained his concerns about the water levels falling once the work to the sluice gate are complete and the possible impact on river amenities, he also reminded Cabinet that the cycleways and footways along the river are well used.




That Cabinet:


In relation to the One Plan, and subject to any other minor alterations to improve its clarity:


1.    Note the contents and recommendations of the One Plan (Appendix 1);


2.    Recognise the One Plan as an evidence-based document to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 114.


Telecare Service Recommissioning

       To receive a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:


That Cabinet agrees to:


1.    Approve the commissioning of the Telecare Service via the ESPO Framework from 1 April 2025, with a three-year contract awarded to the successful provider, with the option to extend up to a further year.


2.    To delegate authority to approve and award a new Telecare Service Contract, and take all necessary steps associated, to the Director of Commissioning in consultation with the Cabinet Member responsible for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion.


Reason for Decision:


The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to Cabinet on the status of the Council’s contracted Telecare Service which is delivered by an external service supplier and expires on 31 March 2025.


The current contract delivers a Telecare Service to people who are assessed by Adult Social care as eligible for the services.


The provision of a Telecare and wider Technology enabled Care (TEC) services fulfils the Council’s obligations under section 2 (preventing, reducing or delaying needs) of the Care Act and currently covers over 2000 connections to individuals being supported in their homes. A recommissioned Telecare Service must be in place from 1 April 2025.



Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet member for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion presented a report requesting the recommissioning of a Telecare Service in Wiltshire to be funded by the Better Care Fund.


Cllr Davies explained that the Wiltshire Telecare service provided assistive technology that promotes wellbeing and independence through the provision of emergency call alarms. The current contract for the Telecare service ended on 31 March 2025, and supported about 1,100 dispersed alarm (community based) customers and provides call monitoring for about 1000 grouped alarms (Wiltshire sheltered housing stock – HRA). It was felt that demand for Telecare will continue to rise alongside one of the largest aging populations in the country and with the telephone industry discontinuing the traditional copper telephone network telecare devices will need to move from analogue to digital to meet the requirements for the national ‘Digital Switchover’.


Cllr Gordon King - Vice-Chair of the Health Select Committee, along with the Chair of the Committee received a briefing on 7 October 2024. Cllr King had received assurances about the benefits of the proposals and noted that the equipment was easy to use and portable.




That Cabinet agrees to:


1.    Approve the commissioning of the Telecare Service via the ESPO Framework from 1 April 2025, with a three-year contract awarded to the successful provider, with the option to extend up to a further year.


2.    To delegate authority to approve and award a new Telecare Service Contract, and take all necessary steps associated, to the Director of Commissioning in consultation with the Cabinet Member responsible for Adult Social Care, SEND and Inclusion.


Reason for Decision:


The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to Cabinet on the status of the Council’s contracted Telecare Service which is delivered by an external service supplier and expires on 31 March 2025.


The current contract delivers a Telecare Service to people who are assessed by Adult Social care as eligible for the services.


The provision of a Telecare and wider Technology enabled Care (TEC) services fulfils the Council’s obligations under section 2 (preventing, reducing or delaying needs) of the Care Act and currently covers over 2000 connections to individuals being supported in their homes. A recommissioned Telecare Service must be in place from 1 April 2025.



Household Support Fund

       To receive a report from the Chief Executive.


Supporting documents:




That Cabinet:


1.    Notes the content of the report;


2.    Delegates the payment criteria of the grant to the Director, Finance and Procurement (S151 Officer), and the Director, Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure, and Libraries.


Reason for Decision:


To inform Members of the Household Support Fund extension allocation Wiltshire Council has been awarded by the Department for Work and Pensions.



Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling Cabinet member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Libraries presented a report providing an overview of the Household Support Fund 2024 following its extension for a further six months (1 October 2024 – 31 March 2025). Wiltshire Council have been allocated £2,728,656.4 from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).


Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that the award would support households, who would otherwise struggle to buy food or pay essential utility bills or meet other essential living costs to help them with significantly with rising living costs.


Cabinet members welcomed the additional funding and referred to the numerous community benefits this would provide, although it raised questions about the future structure and provision of support for households experiencing hardship.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group paid tribute to Cllr Blair-Pilling for the work being undertaken in this area and asked how residents would be made aware of the availability of additional funds.  Cllr Blair-Pilling reported that information is available through third sector partners, including Citizen’s Advice, Council communications, the Council’s website and increasingly through local members.




That Cabinet:


1.    Notes the content of the report;


2.    Delegates the payment criteria of the grant to the Director, Finance and Procurement (S151 Officer), and the Director, Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure, and Libraries.


Reason for Decision:


To inform Members of the Household Support Fund extension allocation Wiltshire Council has been awarded by the Department for Work and Pensions.



Safety Valve Update

To receive a report from the Director, Education and Skills, and Director, Finance and Procurement.

Supporting documents:




To note the monitoring report which was submitted to the DfE on 28th August 2024.


Reason for Decision:

This five-year agreement will shape the provision of SEND services in Wiltshire and will form a key part of the financial context for the authority. Cabinet will continue to be kept appraised of progress and public reporting is critical to ensure transparency of the programme and the council’s approach to it.



Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children’s Service, Education and Skills presented a report which provided an update on the Safety Valve Agreement between Wiltshire Council and the Department for Education (DfE) which was signed on 12 March 2024.


The Deputy Leader explained that although forecasts indicated an overspend of £10.156m against the current plan for 2024/25, the Council is confident that it will be back on track and achieve a positive in-year balance by the end of the agreement and in subsequent years. Further proposals are being worked up to increase the mitigations. These proposals will follow the principles set out in the original plan for investing to save in future years and improving support for children and young people with additional needs across the system.


The Deputy Leader was pleased to report that an additional capital request, made as part of the Safety Valve process to support this plan, submitted on 5January 2024 for £5.7m to expand special schools’ places in the south of the county had been successful.


The Leader confirmed that he now had a degree of confidence in the process following the extensive monitoring that had been undertaken and engagement with other Council’s.


Cllr Jon Hubbard, Chair of the Children’s Select Committee received an update on 5 September 2024 and indicated that he was generally happy with progress being made.


Cllr Ian Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, acknowledged that the Council was in a situation that was not of its own fault and asked how the overspend was being reduced. The Deputy Leader explained that this was through improvements to early intervention and signposting people in the right direction.




To note the monitoring report which was submitted to the DfE on 28th August 2024.


Reason for Decision:

This five-year agreement will shape the provision of SEND services in Wiltshire and will form a key part of the financial context for the authority. Cabinet will continue to be kept appraised of progress and public reporting is critical to ensure transparency of the programme and the council’s approach to it.



Wiltshire Council Annual Adoption Service 2023-2024 Year End Report

To receive a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:




To approve the report and that the contents are considered against the Corporate Parenting Strategic Priorities for children in care to have a loving home, good relationships, and be respected.


Reason for Decision:

Wiltshire Council is an Adoption Agency registered with Ofsted. The 2014 Adoption Minimum Standards (25.6) and 2013 Statutory Guidance (3.93 and 5.39) describe the information that is required to be reported to the executive side of the local authority, on a six-monthly basis, to provide assurance that the adoption agency is complying with the conditions of registration whilst being effective and achieving good outcomes for children. A report to Cabinet is prepared annually.


Adoption West is subject to separate scrutiny arrangements through its own Scrutiny Board.



Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education, and Skills, presented the year-end report regarding the performance of the Wiltshire Council’s Adoption Service, alongside a consideration of the effectiveness of Adoption West.


The Deputy Leader was pleased to report that 59 adopters were approved during the year, although this was a reduction compared to the previous year. It was noted this reflects the national picture where fewer people are coming forward to adopt. The report detailed the three key scorecard measures each local authority Adoption Agency uses to measure timeliness. The data for Wiltshire indicates an improvement in performance in 2022/23 and is particularly strong when compared to the performance of other local authorities. Cabinet noted that Adoption West had recently undergone an inspection and received a good rating.


Cllr Gordon King, Vice-Chairman of Children’s Select Committee, reported that the Children’s Select Committee had considered the year-end report on 5 September 2024 and were happy to endorse the report.


Cllr Adrian Foster endorsed the comments of Cllr King, and raised a concern about a number of children that had been adopted twice. Cllr Foster asked about the percentage of adoptions that fail and become second adoptions and how this compared to other local authorities. The Deputy Leader provided reassurance that support is provided to families that adopt and a written response would be provided to the questions about second adoptions. 




To approve the report and that the contents are considered against the Corporate Parenting Strategic Priorities for children in care to have a loving home, good relationships, and be respected.


Reason for Decision:

Wiltshire Council is an Adoption Agency registered with Ofsted. The 2014 Adoption Minimum Standards (25.6) and 2013 Statutory Guidance (3.93 and 5.39) describe the information that is required to be reported to the executive side of the local authority, on a six-monthly basis, to provide assurance that the adoption agency is complying with the conditions of registration whilst being effective and achieving good outcomes for children. A report to Cabinet is prepared annually.


Adoption West is subject to separate scrutiny arrangements through its own Scrutiny Board.



Urgent Items

Any other items which the Leader agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.