Agenda and minutes

Devizes Area Board - Monday 20 June 2022 6.30 pm

Venue: Needham House, Victoria Road, Devizes, SN10 1FA

Contact: Tara Shannon  Senior Democratic Services Officer

Note No. Item



Election of Chair 2022/23

To elect the Chairman for the year 2022/23.

Supporting documents:


Nominations were sought for a Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Iain Wallis seconded by Councillor Simon Jacobs, it was,


To elect Councillor Kelvin Nash as Chairman of Devizes Area Board for the municipal year 2022-23.


Election of Vice-Chair 2022/23

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the year 2022/23.



Nominations were sought for a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Tamara Reay seconded by Councillor Simon Jacobs, it was,


To elect Councillor Iain Wallis as Vice-Chairman of Devizes Area Board for the municipal year 2022-23.




To welcome those present to the meeting.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited Members to introduce themselves.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllr Laura Mayes.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2022.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last meeting were presented for consideration, and it was,


To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2022.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Nash declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust grant, as a volunteer and member. Cllr Wallis declared a non-pecuniary interest in the Open Doors Grant, by virtue of being a trustee of the organisation.



Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:


·       Solar Together Wiltshire Collective Buying scheme for solar PV panels.

·       Recruitment of hackney carriage and private hire drivers.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred the meeting to the written updates in the agenda pack.

In regards to taxi driver recruitment attention was drawn to the fact that taxi drivers could just do school drop offs and picks up.



Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       Wiltshire Police

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group, including Devizes Health Centre update

·       Schools updates

·       Town and Parish Councils

·       Devizes Indies

·       Sustainable Devizes

·       Devizes Opendoors

Supporting documents:


In addition to the written partner updates in the agenda pack the following verbal updates were given:


Sustainable Devizes

Graham Martin gave an update on the Sustainability Day. This included an overview of the key priorities: active travel, waste reduction and biodiversity. As well as routes to achieving them through engaging with local people and businesses to create a strong and sustainable community. A key point raised was that Sustainable Devizes were looking at creating a legal entity to support their goals. Another goal that was highlighted was the plan to set up a new Community Fridge as a way to reduce food waste. 


The Board thanked Sustainable Devizes, and all involved for their hard work.


Devizes Opendoors

Noel Woolrych gave an update on Opendoors, covering their impact and success in getting people into safe housing. He thanked the Area Board for the grant Opendoors had received previously towards their shed. The presentation also described their current grant application for a new door to replace a broken one.


The Board recognised the important work done by Devizes Open Doors.



Area Board Update

To receive an update on the area board review which has taken place and changes to area boards which are being implemented as a result, for example new grant funding criteria.


The Community Engagement Manager, Andrew Jack, provided an update on the area board review which has taken place and changes to area boards which are being implemented as a result, for example the new grant funding criteria. This is detailed in the PowerPoint (which can be found as a supplement to the agenda).


In response to questions, it was clarified that an application for urgent funding would count as one of the two applications that an organisation can make in one year. Also addressed was the change in match funding and the change to prevent Town and Parish Councils from applying for capital funding, though they could still apply to the two revenue funding schemes: Youth and Older & Vulnerable People. The Wiltshire Community Foundation was highlighted as a resource to support groups to source funding schemes.



Devizes Area Board Priorities and Projects

To receive any updates and review the priorities for 2022/23.


Supporting documents:


The Community Engagement Manager, Andrew Jack, provided an update on the priorities for 2022/23, as detailed in the attached PowerPoint. They were reviewed by the Board, and it was,




·       To acknowledge the progress update from the 2021/22 local priorities work.


·       To adopt the suggested priorities for the forthcoming year as shown at Appendix B and appoint lead Members to those areas as follows


o   Climate Change and the Environment: Cllr Tamara Reay


o   Children and Young People: Cllr Dominic Muns


o   Older or Vulnerable People: Cllr Simon Jacobs


o   Local Economy: Cllr Iain Wallis


o   Community Safety: Cllr Kelvin Nash


·       To appoint lead councillors to priority working groups as outlined in appendix C.


o   Local Highways and Footpaths Improvements Groups (LHFIG)


§  Chair - Councillor Dominic Muns


o   Devizes Health and Wellbeing Group


§  Chair – t.b.c.


§  Councillor Simon Jacobs – lead member


o   Devizes Air Quality & Sustainable Transport Group


§  Chair – Councillor Tamara Reay (also lead member)



Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups

To consider the Area Board representatives to Outside Bodies and Memberships of Working Groups as detailed in the attached reports.


Supporting documents:




a)    To appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies as set out at Appendix A;


Devizes Leisure Centre – Cllr Tamara Reay and Cllr Philip Whitehead


Devizes & District association of the Disabled Executive Committee (Nursteed Centre) – Cllr Kelvin Nash


Devizes Development Partnership – Cllr Iain Wallis


b)    To appoint Cllr Dominic Muns as lead Councillor on the LHFIG.


c)    To note the Terms of Reference for the LHFIG as set out in Appendix B. (page 51-54)



Queens Baton Relay

Details regarding the Queen’s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games, which are taking place in Birmingham this summer, will be coming through Devizes on 5th July and then making its way down the K&A canal.

Supporting documents:


Detail was provided on the upcoming Queens Baton Relay which will come through Devizes marketplace on Tuesday the 5th of July at 8am. It was recommended that people stay away from major roads and watch from the marketplace or along the canal. For more information people were directed to the Town Council website.



Wiltshire Museum, Eric Ravilious exhibition and update on Assize Court

To  receive an update from David Dawson of the Wiltshire Museum on their Eric Ravilious exhibition and on the Devizes Assize Court project.


An update was received from David Dawson of the Wiltshire Museum on their Eric Ravilious exhibition and on the Devizes Assize Court project. There were 12,211 visitors in total, and it was explained that the museum recorded the postcodes of visitors to measure their tourism impact on Devizes. The calculation estimates how much people spend in a town based on how long they spend at a museum.  It showed that the exhibition had a positive economic impact on Devizes, thus showing a return on the investment by Wiltshire Council and Devizes Town Council. 


David Dawson described the museum’s next exhibition on Hardy’s Wessex in partnership with other museums. He also updated the Board on the status of the Assize Court. The building was now owned by a charitable trust, and they had been successful in the first stage of application for lottery funding for regeneration. There were also plans to regenerate the Devizes Wharf Area alongside the work on the Assize Court.


Councillors thanked the museum for their hard work on these projects.



Open Floor

Residents are invited to ask questions of their local councillors.


The issue of pigeons and excessive pigeon mess near local shops at Little Britox was raised. This was acknowledged and it was clarified that this issue would be raised as a question at the next Town Council meeting.


There was also a question about when EV charge points would be made available in Devizes. An exact date could not be given but work was being done with Sustainable Devizes to organise a forum focused on EV charging. Work was also being done by the Town Council Sustainability Working Group. 


Attention was also drawn to car racing on Station Road and the risk posed by ash dieback on this road. Both issues were being looked into.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) / Local Highways and Footpaths Improvements Group (LHFIG)

Changes to Community Area Transport Groups (CATG) into Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Groups (LHFIG)


To consider the update and any recommendations arising from the LHFIG.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Dominic Muns provided an update on the changes to Community Area Transport Groups (CATG) into Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Groups (LHFIG), as detailed in the PowerPoint. Key points included that the budget had doubled for the improvement tasks but would not rollover if unspent. 


The recommendations arising from the LHFIG were considered and it was,




                To note the discussions from the LHFIG meeting of 28th April

                To confirm the nine high priority schemes agreed by LHFIG

                To confirm LHFIG’s contribution to new parking restrictions, Duck Street, West Lavington: 75% of £5,000

                To confirm LHFIG’s contribution to additional street lights, Roundway Park, Devizes: 75% of £5,000

                To confirm LHFIG’s contribution to new direction signage for Devizes Opendoors: 75% of £2,000


Cllr Wallis abstained from the vote due to his connection with Opendoors.



Air Quality and Sustainable Transport

To receive any updates and consider any recommendations from the Devizes Air Quality and Sustainable Transport Group.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Tamara Reay provided an update from the Devizes Air Quality and Sustainable Transport Group as detailed on the PowerPoint. Key points included the significant progress on the Devizes Gateway, with involvement from National Rail a promising development.


Devizes Development Partnership were thanked for their work on the Devizes Gateway. Then questions were addressed including the timeline, which could be as quick as 4/5 years.  In response to questions, it was clarified that £500 million of funding was to cover all projects within the Restoring Railways Scheme, not just Devizes. The location was also queried, and it was clarified that two sites were being assessed. The risk of rat runs was acknowledged, and the Cabinet Member for Highways had been approached to pre-emptively tackle this issue. Parishes were encouraged to engage with the process and were assured that the Board was working to ensure that Devizes Gateway brought only positive impacts.


More detail can be accessed at:

Restoring your Railway Fund programme update - GOV.UK (




To note the discussions from the AQ&ST meeting of 9th May.



Youth updates

To receive any update on youth work in the area and consider the following applications for youth grant funding:


·       Devizes Budo Club, £2,500 towards re-booting the club, up-skilling coaches and training younger members.


To note the following youth grant already awarded under deledgated authority of the Community Engagement Manager:


·       Bishops Cannings Jubilee Committee, £500 towards The Bishops Cannings Jubilee Celebration.


Grant report with full details can be seen under agenda item 19.


Cllr Dominic Muns gave an update, focusing on provision of activities for young people in the Devizes area. It was mentioned that a side effect of good youth provision is a reduction in antisocial behaviour. The impact of the pandemic was raised as well as the difficulty in providing activities posed by the spread of young people due to the rural nature of Wiltshire. In order to tackle this youth activities in the form of a road show were being considered. Success in West Lavington was highlighted due to the newly appointed Youth Worker and attention was drawn to the importance of volunteers in providing youth activities and support.


Cllr Muns introduced the youth grant applications and representatives of the organisations applying for grants spoke in support of their applications. After consideration by the Board it was,



·       To grant Devizes Budo Club, £2,500 towards re-booting the club, up-skilling coaches and training younger members.


To note the following youth grant already awarded under delegated authority of the Community Engagement Manager:


·       Bishops Cannings Jubilee Committee were granted, £500 towards The Bishops Cannings Jubilee Celebration.



Health and Wellbeing Group / Older People

To receive updates on the Devizes Health and Wellbeing Group and the Devizes Men’s Shed.


To consider the following application for Older and Vulnerable Adults Funding:


·       Carer Support Wiltshire, £2,457.50 towards the creation of a new Bereavement Help Point in Devizes.


To note the following applications already awarded under the delegated authority of the Community Engagement Manager:


·       Bromham Parish Council, £500, towards the Platinum Jubilee Bromham Senior Citizens lunch.

·       Devizes Rotary, £500, towards the Devizes Trolley Olymipcs 2022.


Grant report with full details under agenda item 19.


Supporting documents:


Cliff Evans, from the Health and Wellbeing Group (HWBG) gave an update. He described the success of the Trolley Olympics as a fun and inclusive event and the intention to run the event again in the future. The plans for the showcase were also outlined with the event planned to take place on the 10th of September 2022 and to also include activities.


This was followed by an update from Albert Wooldridge on the Devizes Men’s Shed. This included the severe impact that the pandemic had on the Men’s Shed, as it had to close for 15 months.  It was announced that the Men’s Shed has re-opened but was still limited due to social distancing. Despite this there were plans to offer taster sessions to those who are not members. It was expressed that the proposed new build for the shed would btter enable the taster sessions and other opportunities.


The Board then considered the grant application for Older and Vulnerable Adults Funding, it was:




·       To grant Carer Support Wiltshire, £2,457.50 towards the creation of a new Bereavement Help Point in Devizes.


To note the following applications already awarded under the delegated authority of the Community Engagement Manager:


·       Bromham Parish Council was granted, £500, towards the Platinum Jubilee Bromham Senior Citizens lunch.

·       Devizes Rotary was granted, £500, towards the Devizes Trolley Olympics 2022.



Area Board Funding

To consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·       Seend Lye Recreation Field, £5,000 towards their Carbon Challenge 2023.

·       Devizes Bowmen Archery Club, £4,000 towards provision of hard standing in waterlogged ground at Green Lane for Devizes Bowmen Archery Club.

·       Kennet and Avon Canal Trust Enterprise Limited, £5,000 towards MV Kenavon Ventrue full boat superstructure exterior repairs.

·       Worton and Cheverell Youth Football Club, £1,449.50 towards Worton and Cheverell Youth FC additional goals for football training.

·       Devizes Opendoors, £1,197 towards new secure front doors.


For information, please note the deadline dates for grants, prior to each Devizes Area Board meeting:


·       Monday 8th August 2022

·       Monday 7th November 2022

·       Monday 6th February 2023


Supporting documents:


Representatives of the organisations applying for grants spoke in support of their applications. It was,



·       To note the grant to Seend Lye Recreation Field, £5,000 towards their Carbon Challenge 2023 which was allocated under delegated authority.


·       To grant Devizes Bowmen Archery Club, £4,000 towards provision of hard standing in waterlogged ground at Green Lane for Devizes Bowmen Archery Club.


·       To grant Kennet and Avon Canal Trust Enterprise Limited, up to £3,000 towards MV Kenavon Venture emergency exit routes. Upon clarification from the Community Engagement Manager that repair work was not eligible for capital funding but work to create new emergency access was eligible. Cllr Nash abstained from the vote.


·       To grant Worton and Cheverell Youth Football Club, £1,449.50 towards Worton and Cheverell Youth FC additional goals for football training.


·       To grant Devizes Opendoors, £1,197 towards new secure front doors. Cllr Wallis abstained from the vote.


The new deadlines for grant applications were announced:


·       Monday 8th August 2022

·       Monday 7th November 2022

·       Monday 6th February 2023


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




The next ordinary meeting of the Area Board will be held on 5 September 2022.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and announced that the next meeting of the Area Board would be held on 5 September 2022.