The Board received a report and
update from Stacey Sims (Manager, Healthwatch Wiltshire) Zoe
Millington (Wiltshire CIL) and Amanda Attwood (Mental Health
Forum). The item covered the following matters:
around Autism spectrum conditions
Joint work was conducted with the Wiltshire Service
Users Network (WSUN) in late 2020/2021, with 2 surveys ran for
people with Autism spectrum conditions and then one for their
carers. The surveys gained feedback
from 102 people, which included the experiences of service users,
highlighting that people had felt that they didn’t get enough
support in terms of their condition. Potential solutions to improve
experiences were suggested, such as an easy-to-read directory of
services offered as well as site maps and additional staff
Wiltshire Mental Health Open Forum
- The Forum was
established in July 2020, ran jointly between Healthwatch
Wiltshire, mental health service users and the Avon and Wiltshire
Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP). The Forum runs monthly
and offers a space for service users as well as those who support
them, to speak directly to those running mental health services,
allowing them to get involved in the designing of services whilst
identifying potential gaps. The Forum also created a resources list
which having been downloaded over 400 times, sharing information about the local support
- Over the past year,
the Forum has met 12 times with a guest speaker each time,
averaging an attendance of 25 people, which with the feedback
provided has helped to shape 4 services.
future of mental health support
- Healthwatch Wiltshire
has hosted workshops with the Wiltshire Centre for Independent
Living (CIL) as well as the Wiltshire Parent Council; with 3
sessions were held online, in Banes, Swindon and Wiltshire. The
workshops identified prevention as a key theme; a need for local
communities to utilise local assets; for support to be provided on
a variety of platforms in a timely, realistic and sustainable
manner; with support provided co-produced and strengths
- Since the workshops,
a number of recommendations have been identified and a number of
organisations have reached out to share experiences through a
workshop specifically for organisations. The feedback provided was
similar to what was presented from those with lived experiences and
a report is now being produced.
Evaluation of Wiltshire Council’s Advice and Contact
- A survey was sent out
by the Advice and Contact team to callers, as well as the
completion of telephone interviews. A mystery shopping exercise was
also completed, with volunteers making calls to the Advice and
Contact team based on 5 differing scenarios. In total the survey
received feedback from 44 people.
- Overall 63% of those
surveyed were very satisfied or satisfied with the service, however
some were dissatisfied in follow up support or the advice and
information given.
- As a result
Healthwatch have since worked with the team to produce a checklist
to add consistency to calls.
In addition, the Board noted
comments on the following matters:
- It was clarified that
in regard to the Forum, there is no limit to who can attend, with
positive engagement from partners to work with those with lived
- Reassurance was
provided that the Forum concept could potentially work in areas
other than mental health.
- The Wiltshire Centre
for Independent Living has a contract for youth engagement and over
the past 6 months a project has taken place looking at themed
areas. A report is due to be released in early 2022, with their
being an opportunity for the Health and Wellbeing Board to pose
Decision – The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board
accepted the following recommended proposals:
i) Notes the key messages
from the report.
ii) Confirms its commitment to listening to the
voice of local people to
influence commissioning and service