Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following announcements through the Chair:


·       Ask for Angela and Ask for Ani

·       Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2-5 June 2022

·       Road Safety Alliance and Reminder to Changes to the Highway Code from 29 January 2022

·       Changes to Residual Waste Collection Days from 28 February 2022

·       Wiltshire Credit Union

·       Parishes Alliance Footpaths Meeting

·       Malmesbury Library Community Projects




The chairman gave the following updates:


·       Ask Angela Campaign Relaunch

The Chairman drew attention to a briefing note attached to the agenda which was a reminder of the Ask Angela Scheme. It was outlined that the scheme helps to keep people safe on a night out and to protect anyone feeling vulnerable while on a date or with someone they have met. Further information and posters can be found on the Ask for Angela webpage Ask for Angela - Wiltshire Council.


Attention was also drawn to the Ask for Ani campaign, which allows those at risk or suffering from abuse to discreetly signal that they need help and access support. By asking for ANI, a trained pharmacy worker will offer a private space where they can understand if the victim needs to speak to the police or would like help to access support services such as a national or local domestic abuse helplines.


·       Queens’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The Chairman drew attention to a briefing note attached to the agenda which outlined that Wiltshire Council has a system in place to ensure that communities wishing to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are signposted to the council’s web page(Platinum Jubilee celebrations - useful information and guidance - Wiltshire Council)where they will find the appropriate tools, support and guidance to apply to hold a street party.


·       Road Safety Alliance and Reminder to Changes to the Highway Code from 29 January 2022

The Chairman referred to the report attached to the agenda which outlined changes to the Highway Code, which had taken place. Such changes included:

  • The introduction of a hierarchy of responsibility of road users.
  • Priority for pedestrians at junctions
  • Priority for cyclists, riders and horse-drawn vehicles at junctions.
  • Clarification on road positioning for cyclists
  • More information on safely overtaking motorcyclists, cyclists, horse-riders and horse-drawn vehicles and filtering  by cyclists.
  • Adopting what is known as the ‘Dutch Reach’ technique when opening the doors of a parked vehicle.


The Chairman also noted that there is an alliance of Parish Councils looking to deliver better road safety, partially in conjunction with the Community Area Transport Group (CATG). A key area of work was identified as white lining on roads and that poor white lining should be reported to the group.


·       Changes to residual waste collection days from 28 February 2022

The Chairman noted that from 28 February the household waste collection days for nearly all Wiltshire properties will change, however it was stated that there is no change to recycling or garden waste collections, which will still take place on their usual day for all residents. From 31 January and for the following two weeks, all households will receive a letter that explains the changes and details their new collection day. Further information about waste collections


·       Wiltshire and Swindon Credit Union (WASCU)

The Chairman noted that the Wiltshire and Swindon Credit Union (WASCU) had attended a previous Area Board meeting and that they had made an appeal to Parish Councils to save money with the Credit Union. This could potentially lead to better interest rates as well as being a positive action for the community. Further information can be found on the WASCU website:


·       Parishes Alliance Footpaths Meeting

The Chairman drew attention to the potential benefits of Parishes across the Area Board working together to have a joined-up approach to footpaths as well as using the services of the Cotswold wardens. Previous examples of positive footpath initiatives included those in Brinkworth and Sherston, which allowed more footpaths to be accessible through using equipment, money and support on offer. Parishes were encouraged to get together to discus their footpaths and it was noted that the new format of CATG would have a Footpaths Interest Group attached to it as well as funding available.


·       Malmesbury Library Community Projects

The Chairman drew attention to community projects that had been ran by Malmesbury Library including a Repair Café and Fruitful Malmesbury. The Repair Café took place 22 January with customers bringing many items such as lamps, radios, a jacket for a replacement zip, a duvet cover, a magnifying glass, a plaster statue, and a roof top bag. All of which has the aim of being mended to be used again. The event was successful and the visitor count was 145 compared to 70/80 on recent Saturday mornings, and the Facebook post has currently reached roughly 5,300 people with 820 engagements


Regarding Fruitful Malmesbury, winter pansies and edibles have been planted so the library can now contribute to their aim of reducing food waste and encouraging the growing and eating of healthy food by local residents.


·       EV Charging Survey

Councillor Martin Smith provided an update on an EV Charging Survey which recently took place. The survey was sent out to the Town and Parish Councils, with 8 responses received. Key findings were as follows:

·       63% of responses stated that there was a moderate or great deal of demand for public charging points.

·       100% of responses stated that there is currently no plans to deal with that demand and have no budget set aside currently.

·       38% of responses indicated that thought of where to locate potential charging points had taken place and that it was likely that budget would be set aside in the next financial year for charging points.

·       75% of responses stated that it would make sense to approach the issue on a Malmesbury Area basis.

Councillor Smith noted that he plans to engage with officers at Wiltshire Council to see what can be done and that part of the EV policy has set aside small amounts of money to go to Town and Parish Councils for public charging points. Once further information is found, Councillor Smith agreed to feedback when firm proposals are in place.


·       Great British Spring Clean

The Chairman noted that the Great British Spring Clean is set to take place between 25 March and 10 April. Litter pickers can be accessed from the Riverside Community Centre and any waste collected can be picked up by Wiltshire Council.

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