Agenda item

Leisure Services Insourcing

As resolved at the select committee meeting on 9 November 2021, the committee is receiving a further update.


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure, Libraries, FM, and Operational Assets, presented the report on the leisure services in-sourcing alongside David Redfern, Director – Leisure, Culture and Communities, and other officers.


The Chairman suggested that both this Agenda Item and the following, Item 10 – Libraries Development, be presented together, with all questions concerning both taken at the end of the joint presentation.


It was noted that the paper focussed on the improvement and integration of other Wiltshire Council services into leisure centres and libraries. Wider context was given to Members to provide an understanding of the scope, direction and ambition of both the library and leisure services. A substantial restructuring of the management team under David Redfern had been undertaken alongside continued Covid-19 recovery, thusly impacting on the start times of various projects. During this process, the service as a whole was reviewed in line with the Business Plan, and 5 main themes for decision making were established: financial sustainability, contribution to public health, helping communities develop, local economy considerations, and environmental considerations. Under each of the headings, metrics were being developed to assess their performance.


Internal investments and improvements were being made as a result of the additional £11.5m allocated in the previous financial year’s budget, such as the opening of the Melksham campus, and ensuring all swimming pools have modern disability access. Breakdowns of the financial data across 6 months of the project regarding leisure centres was shown alongside leisure membership information. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the leisure team were scoping opportunities for a pilot scheme to open certain leisure centres on Public Holidays.


The core statistics for library services before and during Covid-19 recovery were shown, alongside service priorities. As listed in the Agenda Pack, details for several projects and offers that align with Wiltshire Council priorities and objectives were given. It was highlighted that the Libraries Team worked with external and internal partners but there was always scope for further collaborative work. Officers expressed that by employing this new outlook and straying away from such a rigid budgetary focus and instead on delivering high-quality, integrated services that also meet financial obligations, they felt they made a different to Wiltshire residents’ lives.


During the discussion, points included:


·       Congratulations were given to officers in the library team on delivering such vital and diverse services to communities.

·       It was noted that officers did not have data as to the amount of warm and safe packs that had been distributed across the County, but it had been reported that more than 50 had been provided through Salisbury libraries alone and the anecdotal stories relayed to officers indicated a great level of success.

·       Officers explained that unfortunately, most leisure centre data before 1 October 2021, when the in-sourcing began, was not provided by the previous supplier and therefore, long term historical analysis could not be undertaken. However, it was confirmed that the report submitted next year to the Committee would contain more individual and specific data to provide a more thorough review.

·       It was explained that the metrics under the environmental considerations would look at the impact of carbon footprints more generally, not just that of the building itself but also people travelling to/accessing the sites etc.

·       Officers were in the process of liaising with the Transformation Board with regard to a future facilities review, to understand the capacity needed to assess the data of existing sites and to undertake a thorough consultation with stakeholders before any decisions were made.

·       Mobile library services were confirmed to be ongoing.

·       Regarding the quality and pricing structures of Wiltshire Council owned leisure centres, officers stated that they felt they delivered an unbeatable service for residents in comparison to privately owned centres. This would be reinforced with the consistency and strong branding across all sites as a result of the in-sourcing.

·       Officers worked in conjunction with the Communication and Marketing Teams to promote the services available to residents, particularly those most vulnerable. However, it was highlighted that marketing leisure and library services was slightly different in order to continue the development of a more sustainable model. Yet, there was always scope for improvements and Members were encouraged to contact officers if they had any suggestions.

·       The importance for local leisure centre managers to become more autonomous and less reliant on direction from officers on specific aspects.

·       The importance of the two services mutually benefiting each other and capitalising on existing relationships.

·       The difficulties in combining leisure centre and library membership cards due to the complexity and differences between the two systems at the present time.


At the conclusion of the discussion, Cllr Tony Jackson proposed to move the recommendations which was seconded by Cllr Dr Brian Mathew. After which, it was:




a)    The Committee noted the Leisure Services Insourcing update and the increasing membership numbers and improving net financial position.


b)    The Committee noted the Library Service update, the recovery since the pandemic, and its priorities and the range of its activities.


c)    The Committee requested that they receive updates in 12 months’ time to include further trend data, the outcome of the public holiday pilot and further information on the transformation review.


Supporting documents: