Agenda item

Update on FACT (Families and Children Transformation)

Schools Forum will receive an update on the FACT programme from Simon Thomas (FACT Programme Lead).


An update on the FACT Programme was delivered by the FACT Programme Lead, Simon Thomas, who highlighted the following:


·       The multi-agency ‘Family Help’ arrangements were introduced, and it was explained that the FACT partnership looked at how to respond to different pressures in the system felt pre and post COVID recovery, and to concentrate their collective energies into a combined approach focussing on the space of early intervention and prevention.

·       The aim of the project and the different workstreams the partnership was engaged in were detailed; namely: family hubs, communications and branding, an online platform, workforce development, a pilot scheme in Westbury and Warminster, and outcomes and evaluation.

·       It was explained that the pilot scheme was created to explore if working together in geographically defined areas in different ways could provide better and more effective early intervention and prevention.

·       Additional funding had been secured to appoint Family Help and Early Help Mental Health Practitioners who would be working directly with families and providing training, support and advice to schools and other organisations. Thus, establishing strong relationships, delivering a quicker response, and easier, smoother, and more accurate operations.

·       Monthly Pilot Operational Group meetings were being conducted to identify challenges, opportunities for development, and key priorities.

·       The emerging priorities for the pilot scheme were then explained: early intervention activity, building parental confidence and competence, improving families’ financial security, awareness of the programme, and accessibility of resources and support.

·       A lot of time and effort had been invested into creating a cohesive brand following feedback that the existing system was relatively confusing, fragmented, and disjointed. Therefore, this umbrella brand would cover all services providing early intervention and prevention, communicating to families, schools, and other relevant organisations that these services were working in tandem to deliver a more collective and connected system across the County. This branding would be utilised through a new logo and straplines and would be linked closely to the development of an online platform which would be the single source of any and all relevant information.

·       The workforce development aspect was briefly covered; in short, ensuring a competent and confident workforce. The practice framework to ensure this cohesion was then displayed.

·       The education related outcomes and measures of success were then detailed, and it was confirmed that officers would be seeking more formal feedback from school colleagues to assess the impact of the project.

·       It was confirmed that the rollout of the project and branding across the whole County was due to launch in Autumn 2023 onwards. Furthermore, feedback from the pilots over the duration of the scheme would be shared to aid in the rollout into other areas as soon as appropriate.


In response to a question, it was confirmed that a paper on the Family Hubs Commissioning would be going to Cabinet in the near future, and an update would be brought back to the Forum after such. It was further confirmed that the Area Boards and Local Youth Networks would have input into the process and that it was officers’ intention to maximise the links between the different youth groups, with a dedicated place at the table for the partnership representing these different groups. Furthermore, officers had attended Area Board meetings in Westbury and Warminster to inform Members and attendees of the pilot scheme.


The PHF – Maintained Primary Representative noted that they now had a Family Champion working within their school once a week, and that early reports were positive, and that parents were appreciative for the opportunity to drop in and get support from this dedicated officer as and when it was needed. The Chair expressed anticipation for the future when the programme was fully rolled out.


After which, it was:




The Schools Forum noted the FACT update.


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