Agenda item

Stonehenge Area Board Priorities

To receive updates from lead councillors for the local Area Board priorities (where not covered by other agenda items).


The Stonehenge Area Board Priorities are:

·       Supporting health and wellbeing (Cllr Monica Devendran) – covered later in agenda

·       Supporting young people (Cllr Mark Verbinnen) – covered later in agenda

·       Our environment (Cllr Rob Yuill & Cllr Kevin Daley)

·       Parish engagement (Cllr Graham Wright & Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling)

·       Addressing social and economic deprivation (covered over all priorities / All Cllrs)


Our environment


Cllr Graham Wright gave an update on the Wiltshire Climate Strategy, which was adopted in February 2022.


The council were on the path to carbon neutral (net zero) and would try to achieve this by 2030.



·       The council had installed 10 replacement and 6 brand new Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points.  Most of the fast-charging units would be replaced by mid-2023.

·       Town and Parish Councils had applied for grant funding to install public EV charging infrastructure in their communities. 


Sustrans and Wiltshire Council Schools Project.

·       These helped to explore transport and climate change and helped schools to develop an Active Travel Plan.

·       A toolkit for all Wiltshire schools had been available since July.

·       A film had been created by Sustrans and school students.


Climate Action Planning for local councils

·       Several events had taken place, including a workshop on 27 March 2023, and a follow up event on 17 May 2023.

·       An ongoing network was being developed to share learning and progress. Communication was key.


Solar Together

·       The Solar Together scheme was highlighted with approximately 700 installations in 2022.

·       Residents, community organisations and businesses could sign up to by solar panels, the volume of customers would lead to a bulk buy discount for all.

·       Another Solar Together scheme had been launched in June 2023.


Attendees were encouraged to look at the Wiltshire Council climate webpages for further information


Community Engagement


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling gave an update on how the board was engaging with the community, in particular in relation to the Wiltshire Local Plan Review consultation.


It was explained that the Local Plan was a document which governed all decisions related to planning. It was a large document which contained numerous policies. Cllr Blair-Pilling suggested that anyone with an interest in housing, protecting the environment, biodiversity and many more housing related issues should look at the draft Local Plan. It was a vitally important policy document which would shape Wiltshire’s future for 15 years to come. Wiltshire Council would soon be consulting on the draft Local Plan. The consultation would open on Wednesday 27 September 2023 and run to Wednesday 22 November 2023. The council was holding various drop in events and a webinar (see pages 43 – 45 of the agenda for details) and there was information available on the website:


As part of their community engagement, the Area Board also wanted to hold presentation events for people in the area. Cllrs could explain in detail what the process was, what the plan consists of and to highlight principal themes such as affordable housing and biodiversity. It was noted that the event would not be a debate, as this was not the time to express views, that was what the consultation was for. However, it would help to ensure that everyone had an understanding of the plan and the process involved. Cllrs advocated that as many people as possible attended and then take part in the consultation in order to ensure their views were heard.


Two events would be held:

·       Wednesday 4 October 2023, 7pm, Durrington Jubilee Pavilion, Recreation Road SP4 8HH

·       Wednesday 11 October 2023, 7pm, Durrington Jubilee Pavilion, Recreation Road SP4 8HH


Cllr Wright would send an email out to parishes personally inviting them.