Agenda item

Funding Applications

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grants: £24,639

Older & Vulnerable People’s Grants: £7,700

Young People’s Grants: £19,916


Area Board Initiative


ABG1874 – Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Care Group requesting £500 for community support.


Community Area Grants:


ABG1473 – Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust requesting £5,000 towards Active Travel Network design.


ABG1833 – Royal Wootton Bassett Otters Swimming Club requesting £2,672 towards swimming blocks.



Older & Vulnerable People’s Grants:



ABG1794 – Royal Wootton Bassett Reengage Tea Party Group requesting £425 towards their 50th anniversary celebrations.



Young People’s Grants:


ABG1857 – Wootton Bassett Gardening Club requesting £1,900 towards stage 2 enhancements at Vale View Gardens. 


Delegated Funding:


The Area Board is asked to note any funding awards made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager, between meetings due to matters of urgency:


ABG1649 – Wiltshire Music Centre requesting £500 towards Celebrating Age Wiltshire’s creative mini project in Royal Wooton Bassett Library.



Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.


The Area Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of their projects and answered any questions from the Area Board.


Area Board Initiative


Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Care Group Requesting £500 for Community Support


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM), Andrew Jack, explained that the money would go towards supporting the café which hosted their meetings.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Steve Bucknell, it was resolved to make the:




To award Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Care Group £500 towards community support.


Reason: The application met the Older and Vulnerable People’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Community Area Grants


Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust Requesting £5,000 Towards Active Travel Network Design


John Loran, a trustee of Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust, explained that the money would go towards feasibility studies for the initial stages of the route.


Cllr Steve Bucknell welcomed the project but highlighted his concerns about potential safety issues caused by interaction between cyclists and pedestrians. He proposed that the funding be awarded in full, subject to an independent review being conducted during the design phase about pedestrian safety. Other members of the Area Board endorsed the comments about the need for a proper consultation and recognised the importance of safety issues. However, they did not feel that it was proportionate to condition the awarding of the funding on an independent review at this stage in the project. Cllr Steve Bucknell withdrew the proposed condition that an independent review was undertaken and his proposal to award the funding was seconded by the Chairman. It was resolved to make the:




To award Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust £5,000 towards Active Travel Network design.


Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Royal Wootton Bassett Otters Swimming Club Requesting £2,672 Towards Swimming Blocks


Mycroft Smith from the swimming club explained that they supported people aged five and older. The existing blocks at Lime Kiln Leisure Centre were old and would not be safe to use in the longer term.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Steve Bucknell, it was resolved to make the:




To award Royal Wootton Bassett Otters Swimming Club £2,672 towards swimming blocks.


Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2024/25.




Older and Vulnerable People’s Grant


Royal Wootton Bassett Reengage Tea Party Group Requesting £425 Towards their 50th Anniversary Celebrations


It was noted that the group were unable to attend as they were delivering food parcels on the night of the Area Board.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Nick Dye, it was resolved to make the:




To award Royal Wootton Bassett Reengage Tea Party Group £425 towards their 50th anniversary celebrations.


Reason: The application met the Older and Vulnerable People’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Young People’s Grant



Wootton Bassett Gardening Club Requesting £1,900 Towards Stage Two Enhancements at Vale View Gardens


Andy from Vale View Gardens explained that they worked with the 1st Royal Wootton Bassett Scout Group to help them gain their badges. They had also helped to work with young people from Horizons College.


The Area Board supported the project. Referencing the Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, they said that they would welcome information about the different backgrounds of people that took part in the project so that they could see whether young people from lower income families were benefitting. 


On the proposal of Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Steve Bucknell, it was resolved to make the:




To award Wootton Bassett Gardening Club £1,900 towards stage two enhancements at Vale View Gardens. 


Reason: The application met the Young People’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



Delegated Funding


The Area Board was asked to note a funding award made under the delegated funding process, by the SEPM, between meetings due to matters of urgency.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, it was resolved to:




That the Area Board had awarded Wiltshire Music Centre £500 towards Celebrating Age Wiltshire’s creative mini project in Royal Wooton Bassett Library.


Reason: The application met the Older and Vulnerable People’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.



The Vice-Chairman reminded the Area Board that, a number of years ago, they had made a financial contribution towards Pips Community Café in Purton which had helped to put it on a sustainable financial footing. She was pleased to report that the café had gone from strength to strength, and it had been able to donate £16,000 to charity itself over the past financial year. 


Information links: Area Board Grants and  Grants Criteria


Supporting documents: