Agenda item

Streetscene and Grounds Maintenance Contract Update

To receive an update on the Streetscene contract, as resolved at the Environment Select Committee meeting on 19 September 2023.


Councillor Nick Holder, Cabinet Member for Highways, Street Scene, and Flooding, updated the Committee on the Streetscene and Grounds Maintenance contract, alongside Adrian Hampton, Head of Highways Operations.


Councillor Holder introduced the report and invited questions from Members.


During the discussion, points included:


·       It was raised that some residents/Parish and Town Councils were continuing to cut the grass on verges in certain areas across the County which were thought to be the responsibility of the Street Scene Team. In response, it was explained that there had been a significant devolution of services to both Parish and Town Councils in conjunction with asset devolution and the development of a clear geomapping system which indicated which areas were devolved, which areas sat under the responsibility of the Street Scene Team, and the frequency of the cut for each area. As such, if residents/Parish and Town Councils wanted clarity on the frequencies or responsibility of grass cutting areas, they were encouraged to contact the Street Scene Team directly who would be able to advise further.

·       It was noted that the baseline mapping area had been developed through consultations with all Parish and Town Councils around the frequency of cuts, local requirements, and biodiversity and environmental considerations.

·       The move to a resource-based contract was detailed, with the delegation and transferral of services to other Parish and Town Councils allowing for resources to be deployed to deliver an area’s individual needs and ultimately result in cost savings to Wiltshire Council.

·       Members raised the maintenance of open spaces that formed part of development sites that had been given full planning permission but were being left to overgrow. Officers explained that they were focussing on improving communications with residents and Members on the adoption process and stated that if further clarity was needed on the process, cutting regimes for sites, land ownership, and/or responsibilities for the management of said sites, the Street Scene Team could be contacted for further information.

·       Members welcomed the required environment outcomes stated in Paragraph 24 of the report and requested that future reports included a graph setting out carbon emissions year-on-year against targets.

·       Members sought further clarity on Paragraph 20 of the report, with officers acknowledging that the move to electrification would be the best option in terms of meeting the Council’s carbon targets, but reassured Members that further work was being undertaken as part of the Depot Strategy Programme and that further updates would be given when able.

·       Officers raised wildflowers, and Members were informed that a wildflower trial was being developed to start seeding and plugging the wildflower growth areas to help accelerate growth, encourage different species, and to support the Council’s policy of continuing and extending wildflower conservation areas in order to help meet carbon reduction and environmental targets.

·       It was explained that historically the Streetscene and Grounds Maintenance Contract was part of the larger highway contracts, but it was now a separate contract in order to focus more on best practice, trial and error on different methodologies, processes, and equipment in order to deliver a better service.

·       The average annual contract objective scores were discussed alongside the customer service and quality scores and the differences between the two.

·       Finally, officers were commended for the report and thanked for their hard work and the results achieved over the past year.




The Committee:


a)    Noted the contents of the report and performance of the Streetscene and Grounds Maintenance contract in 2023-24.


b)    Requested an update on service provision to the Committee in 12 months’ time to include further information on annual carbon emissions and reductions, and service delegation savings.


Supporting documents: