Agenda item

Final Report of the Stone Circle Governance Task Group

To present the findings and recommendations of the task group for endorsement and referral to the Cabinet Member for response.


The Chairman noted that on page 77 of our agenda, was the final report of the Stone Circle Governance Task Group. It was outlined that the task group was established 12 months ago to consider arrangements for scrutiny engagement on the council’s activity regarding its wholly owned Stone Circle companies and to bring proposals back to Committee.


Cllr Ruth Hopkinson, Chair of the Task Group, introduced the report and outlined that this had been a difficult Task Group for a number of reasons including a lack of transparency regarding Stone Circle, inconsistencies in information as well as officers having concern about the Task Group crossing over into operational issues. It was outlined that without investigating some operational issues the Task Group could not have progressed, and officers were supportive of this. Furthermore, the purpose of the Task Group was to consider the future scrutiny arrangements for Stone Circle, which was included within the recommendations before the Committee.


Cllr Hopkinson further raised points that regarding Business Plans, it was difficult to scrutinise these as prior to 2024-2025 there wasn’t an accompanying narrative. Furthermore, the need for Stone Circle to have a risk register was stressed to represent the level of risk that Stone Circle represents to the Council and that concerns were also raised that the original business case for setting up Stone Circle in 2018 needed to be considered in relation to today’s environment. The need for the Council to have an exit plan was also raised, to protect the overall financial and reputational position of the Council should a need to withdraw arise.


Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Clewer made the following comments including that Members were welcome to attend the Cabinet Shareholder’s Group, which allowed for comment and engagement on the Stone Circle Group,


Members of the Committee made the following comments which included a discussion about the difference between scrutiny oversight and political oversight and how the minutes from the Cabinet Shareholder’s Group should be made available to all Members as well as the method for doing so. The importance of this was also further emphasised, with it suggested that not all Members would understand what Stone Circle is and that there would be greater accountability if Members were to read the minutes. It was also suggested that it could be beneficial for a simple summary be sent out alongside the minutes to assist with understanding.


Further clarity was provided that the Cabinet Shareholder’s Group had been set up to make sure performance and financial standing was in line with the business plan whilst also acting as an opportunity to hold the Directors to account.


At the conclusion of discussion, it was,




The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee agreed:


a)    To endorse recommendations 1 to 3, and to refer these to the Executive for response, with recommendation 2 amended to propose that Cabinet Shareholder Minutes be made available, rather than disseminated to, all members.

b)    To establish a task group under the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee with the terms of reference set out in the report under recommendation 4, amended to replace the words “scrutinise the decisions of” with “scrutinise the activity of”.

c)    To review the terms and reference and effectiveness of the task group in 12 months’ time.


The Chairman called the meeting to a break at 12.41pm and resumed the meeting at 12.46pm.


Cllr Tony Jackson left the meeting at 12.41pm.

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