Agenda item

Extra Care Housing

      Report of the Chief Executive



Cllr Simon Jacobs, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Public Protection introduced the report which provided recommendations for the future commissioning of support to residents living in the four Extra Care Housing (ECH) sites supported financially by Wiltshire Council:  Needham House, Crammer Court, Meadow Court & Bell Orchard.


Cllr Jacobs reported that ECH services are discretionary rather than statutory, which offer support to residents in emergencies. It is provided under contract by Somerset Care and Cera Care (formerly Mears). However, the service model is no longer considered fit for purpose when viewed against more effective models of independent living. The report detailed three principal options, in producing the options officers considered the first stage consultation findings, range of alternative means of supporting residents’ outcomes effectively, as well as the need to ensure efficient use of public money and focus investment on those in greatest need in a challenging financial climate for the Council. The preferred option being option C – Hub & Spoke ECH model.


Cllr Chuck Berry, Chair of the Health Select Committee received a briefing alongside Cllr Graham Wright, Chair and Cllr Alan Hill, Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, and Cllr Pip Ridout, Chair of the Financial Planning Task Group on 27 January 2021.  Cllr Berry and Cllr Ridout confirmed that they supported the proposals detailed in the cabinet report.


In response to comments from members, Cllr Clewer, Cllr Jacobs and officers explained:


·       That consideration would be given to the results of the consultation and the final model would be finalised accordingly.

·       The Council is using its rights under the shared ownership leases to buy back those leases on the death of the leaseholder or when the leaseholder wishes to move.

·       The request to consider a model with 2 hubs rather than 1 would be taken on board with all other comments from the consultation.




  1. To note the indicative timetable and the requirement to extend current provision as an interim stage to support the service design and transition to a new model.


  1. To endorse the recommended option of ending the current contracts and transitioning to a new support model identified in section 6c. This model would retain an onsite presence at Needham House with visiting support being available to the other three sites with additional community alarm capacity.


  1. That residents are consulted on the recommended option and their views inform the final decision.


  1. That residents continue to be involved in the design of new support arrangements, alongside engagement with potential providers.


  1. That the final decision on the future means of supporting ECH residents and any associated contract award decisions is delegated to the Director Joint Commissioning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Public Protection and the Corporate Director of Resources.


  1. To extend the suspension of core charge contributions at Needham House and Bell Orchard until the expiry of the current contractual arrangements to support consultation, service redesign and any necessary procurement.


Reason for decision:


1.    Current contractual arrangements cannot run ‘at will’ indefinitely.


2.    Initial resident consultation suggests low utilisation or need for the services in their current form, suggesting better alternatives for support residents’ continued independence.


3.    Residents views should be sought on the Council’s recommended option.


Supporting documents: