Issue - decisions

Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Submission of Draft Plan

08/10/2024 - Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Submission of Draft Plan



That Cabinet:



1.    Endorses the submission of the draft Wiltshire Local Plan review Pre-submission Draft Plan at Appendix 1 together with relevant associated documentation for independent examination;


2.    Recommends to Full Council that the Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Pre-submission Draft Plan is submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for independent examination together with relevant associated documentation;


3.    Directs that submission is accompanied by a request that the Inspector appointed to carry out the examination recommends any modifications necessary to make the Plan sound and legally compliant in accordance with Section 20(7C) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended); and


4.    Authorises the Director of Planning to take or authorise such steps as may be necessary for the independent examination of the Plan to be completed, including:


a.             Make appropriate arrangements for submission of the Plan and the completion and submission of all documents relating to the Plan;


b.             Make all necessary arrangements for examination including – the appointment of a Programme Officer; the undertaking and/or commissioning of other work necessary to prepare for and participate at examination; proposing main and/or minor modifications to the Plan and/or modifications to the Policies Map; entering into Memorandums of Understanding and Statements of Common Ground; and the delegation to officers and other commissioned experts to prepare and submit evidence, representations and submissions to the examination  and, where necessary, appear at any hearing sessions and represent the council; and


c.             Implement any consequential actions relating to the examination, including undertaking any consultation that may be necessary, and publishing the recommendations and reasons of the person appointed to carry out the examination.


Reason for decision:


To ensure that progress continues to be made on updating Wiltshire’s Local Plan in line with the commitment set out in the council’s Local Development Scheme and statutory requirements, and an efficient examination process.