Issue - meetings

Libraries Service Review - Request for Capital Investment

Meeting: 07/02/2011 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 18)

18 Libraries Service Review - RFID Capital Investment Proposal

To consider the attached report of the Service Director, Communities, Libraries, Heritage and Arts, regarding proposed capital investment in the Libraries Service Review.

Supporting documents:


The Cabinet Member, Adult Care, Communities and Libraries, introduced the item and outlined the scope of the report and general aims of the proposals contained therein.


The Committee then received a presentation setting out the contents of the report, drawing attention to the business case at Appendix I, and making recommendations as per the report.


Key points raised were as follows:


·         Requested capital investment serves as part of the Libraries Service Review, to be approved in full by Cabinet

·         Anticipated that the £546,450 of capital investment requested would realise £505,000 year-on-year in revenue savings

·         Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology proposed would enable a greater level of self-service at Wiltshire’s public libraries

·         Overall positive response to proposed strategy received at local level

·         Increased community control facilitated through the strategy falls in line with the wider Big Society agenda

·         Strategy of utilising voluntary staff from the community as well as RFID technology is backed by advice at central government level


The Committee received a comment from Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chair of the Organisation and Resources Select Committee, to the effect that Scrutiny had been consulted throughout the process and were satisfied with the strategy adopted as a means of ensuring future service delivery.


Following discussion regarding the points raised and recommendations made in the officer’s report, it was,




To approve the recommendations of the Director of Community Services as follows:


To approve the bid for capital investment in R.F.I.D technology, subject to the Council’s capital programme setting process. The council would then be in a position to provide:


·         21 council operated libraries

·         5 mobile libraries including a special service mobile

·         10 libraries operated in partnership with local communities – providing opportunities for volunteers

·         Opportunities for volunteers to extend the opening hours available at many local libraries, and for the library service to make best use of staff to keep libraries open for core/streamlined hours