Issue - meetings

Castledown Site

Meeting: 14/06/2011 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 41)

41 Castledown Business Park, Ludgershall

To consider the attached report of the Service Director, Economy and Enterprise, regarding the proposed acquisition of land at Castledown.

Supporting documents:


The Service Director, Economy & Enterprise, introduced the report and summarised the recommendations made.


Members’ attention was drawn to the update received from the South West Regional Development Agency regarding ownership of the land set out in Phase 1 of the proposals, and it was confirmed that Wiltshire Council owns the leasehold to this site on a protected basis.


The Cabinet Member for Waste, Property, Environment and Development Control questioned the status of a Section 106 agreement on the development of the land and it was confirmed that this had been secured, in addition to Wiltshire Council retaining land use restrictions on the development of the site to uses B1, B2 and B8 of the Use Classes Order.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Spatial Planning noted the advantageous nature of developing the site, noting the above Member’s observation on the complex nature of the development agreement, in cementing good relations with the Ministry of Defence.


The Service Director, Economy & Enterprise advised Members that costs were to be recovered over 10-15 years with the development of the site, and that the proposals had been cleared by the Regional Development Agency and the Council’s legal advisors.

The Leader raised a question in respect of the potential use of part of the site by Castledown Academy. It was confirmed that this remained a valid option subject to planning being achieved. The proposed purchase cost of the site was discussed in respect of the business case for acquiring the site, along with the previous comments, and it was,




To acquire the 17.75 hectares (31.1 acres) of land at Castledown Business Park, Ludgershall, for a net sum of up to £180,000 on terms set out in the Council offer.