Issue - meetings

Consultation on new Waste Management Strategy and information on your local Household Recycling Centre.

Meeting: 11/09/2017 - Pewsey Area Board (Item 44)

44 Consultation on new Waste Management Strategy

Part of the Council’s consultation on a new Waste Management Strategy to shape how the council collects and manages household waste and recycling.


Supporting documents:


Tracy Carter- Associate Director Waste and Environment gave a presentation, detailing the proposed new Waste Management Strategy, which was explained as covering a period of 10 years, to support the delivery of Wiltshire Council’s new business plan.


The Board were advised that a new waste contract for Wiltshire’s Household Recycling Centres will commence on 2 October 2017, with FCC Environment, and that Everleigh HRC will be closed between 23 and 28 October, during the transition.


The Board was presented with an overview of performance, with over 700,000 bins and boxes being emptied from 215,000 households each fortnight. The Council managed 243,000 tonnes of waste and recycling in 2016/17, a significant decrease on 2014/15. Furthermore, it was explained that in 2016/17, 21% of waste was sent to landfill, compared to 78% in 2003. Further details were given as to where the Council are seeking to make improvements. For example, residents produced 566 kg of non-recycled waste per household, but analysis shows that much of this could be recycled.


It was explained that savings of approximately £4 million had already been made, with the net budget reducing from £35.221m in 2014/15 to £31.241in 2015/16, by charging for garden waste collection, introducing permits for vans and trailers, and charging charities for access to Household Recycling Centres. It was explained that the budget for 2017-18 was £31.88 with plans to introduce charges for non-household waste items at Household Recycling Centres.


An overview was also given on kerbside services and the Board were informed that the service would be provided under a new contract awarded to Hills Waste from 30 July 2018, which will transform kerbside collection, including what can be recycled and which bins to use.


A series of example questions from the Consultation were presented to the Board, these were answered individually by attendees, on paper, who were advised that their responses would be collated and form part of the Consultation. The responses to the questions are set out below, (included as attachment).


A number of questions were asked surrounding the Consultation. Specifically, there was concern about the digital nature of the Consultation and a lack of paper promotion. It was highlighted that not everyone has access to computers and that efforts should be made to promote the Consultation in libraries, schools and other community hubs. Another key issue raised was the recyclability of plastics at the roadside. It was explained that plastic bottles are recycled at roadside as they have a value, due to being high quality plastic. Whereas, general plastic tubs and packaging are not valuable and often cost the Council money to recycle. The Board were advised that from 30 July 2018, under the new contract with Hills Waste, these less valuable plastics would also be collected from the roadside.


A view was also raised that it would be beneficial to residents to know the value of recycling, even if it was a small sum to offset part of the costs, as it would help motivate people to recycle. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44