Issue - meetings

Extra Care Housing and Housing Related Support

Meeting: 24/04/2018 - Health Select Committee (Item 37)

Extra Care Housing and Housing Related Support

To consider Extra Care Housing and Housing Related Support prior to consideration by Cabinet on 15th May 2018.


The Committee received a short verbal update on extra care housing and housing related support prior to consideration by Cabinet on 15 May 2018.  It was noted that there was still some work to be completed in relation to Extra Care Housing and Housing Related Support before the Council could consider tendering for a new provider, which included:-


·         Customer consultation in relation to the type and level of services they would like to be provided at these schemes.


·         Review of care and funding models to ensure that the schemes provided a service which was appropriate and affordable for both the customer and the Council.


·         Develop a specification for each service and commissioning intentions for delivering the service.


It was noted that this work was likely to take 12 to 18 months to complete and that contracts would need to be awarded to ensure that current arrangements were maintained in the intervening period.


The Chairman suggested that a task group with a limited number of meetings, or a Rapid Scrutiny Exercise, might be useful to consider the key points of the review, alternatively an overview & scrutiny Member could be appointed as a representative on the relevant board.  Furthermore, she enquired as to whether the review also included Sheltered Housing.




To note the update and that consultation would take place with the  Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health & Public Protection and appropriate officers to agree the best format of scrutiny involvement with the review.