Agenda item

Area Board - End of Year Report

Part I – Looking Back


To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2023/24:


  • youth engagement and positive activity opportunities (Cllrs Macdermid, Alstrom, Foster, Hutton and Henning)
  • addressing climate change (Cllrs Murry and Macdermid)
  • supporting positive mental health and wellbeing and reducing social isolation (Cllr Cape)
  • supporting the local economy and cost of living crisis (Cllrs Greenman and Henning)
  • reducing anti-social behaviour (Cllrs Alstrom and Henning)


Part II – Looking Forward


·       To receive a summary of community area JSNA Survey Results.


·       To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2024/25.


·       To appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies, listed on Appendix A and to note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B.



The Area Board received a presentation from Ros Griffiths – Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager looking back at the activities over the past 12 months and looking forward to the coming 12 months. In addition, the Area Board were asked to agree their priorities for the coming 12 months and make appointments to outside bodies.


The presentation provided information about the Chippenham and Villages Area Board community area, in particular on Area Board investment, engagements, the work of the LHFIG, Area Board local priorities – Youth engagement and positive activity opportunities, addressing climate change, supporting mental wellbeing older/vulnerable adults, supporting the local economy and reducing anti-social behaviour.   


In addition, the Area Board were provided with information summarising the Community Survey and its top priorities and the CAJSNA data. A video message was also shown from Kate Blackburn in connection with the CAJSNA data.


The Area Board commented on a number of issues including the impact of purdah during the local elections in 2025 on grant funding applications and suggested that applicants should be encouraged to submit applications for consideration at the Area Board meeting on 10 February 2025; Area Board support for activities where a grant application had not been submitted; the difficulties being experienced by food banks in providing enough food to cater for demand and funding available from the Government through the Household Support Fund.


The Area Board also received a report from Cllr Alstrom and watched a video of the activities provided during the Teen Takeover event on 11 June 2024 in Chippenham. A survey available during the event provided feedback from attendees about the most popular activities available, the activities they would like to see in Chippenham, other general information about the age and where attendees lived, how the event was advertised and feedback from parents and organisations. Cllr Alstrom thanked Louisa Young and Ros Griffiths from Wiltshire Council for their invaluable help. The Chairman thanked Cllr Alstrom for a very impressive event, and Cllr Macdermid for arranging funding from Persimmon Homes, who it was understood would be willing to contribute further if a similar event was held during 2025. 


The Area Board considered and reflected on the proposed priorities for the coming year as detailed below and felt that each priority required more in-depth scrutiny in order to provide a link with the priorities highlighted by the CAJSNA:


  • youth engagement and positive activity opportunities (Cllrs Macdermid, Alstrom, Foster, Hutton and Henning)
  • addressing climate change (Cllrs Murry and Macdermid)
  • supporting positive mental health and wellbeing and reducing social isolation (Cllr Cape)
  • supporting the local economy and cost of living crisis (Cllrs Greenman and Henning)
  • reducing anti-social behaviour (Cllrs Alstrom and Henning)


In considering the appointments to outside bodies, the Area Board felt that the appointments should remain the same for the forthcoming year to provide a level of continuity with the various Groups. 



1)    That the end of year report be noted.

2)    That the priority themes for 2024/25 remain the same, with actions to address the CAJSNA to be agreed at the next co-ordinating meeting and Addressing Climate Change to be updated to Addressing Climate Change and Nature Recovery.

3)    That the appointments to outside bodies, detailed below be agreed for 2024/25


Outside Body 


Councillor Representative 

Chippenham multi-Agency Forum


Cllr Kathryn MacDermid and Cllr Ross Henning   

Chippenham Town Team 


 Cllr Liz Alstrom 

Chippenham Arts Team 

 Cllr Ross Henning and Cllr Liz Alstrom 


Chippenham Pride 

Cllr Liz Alstrom 

Chippenham Climate Forum 

Cllr Nick Murry 

Chippenham Parish Forum 

Cllr Howard Greenman 

Community Safety Forum  

Cllr Ross Henning 


Priority Working Group  

Councillor Representative 

Local Youth Network  

Cllr Adrian Foster, Cllr Peter Hutton, Cllr Kathryn MacDermid, Cllr Liz Alstrom and Cllr Ross Henning 


Health and Wellbeing 


Cllr Clare Cape  


Climate and Ecological Emergency Forum 

Cllr Nick Murry and Cllr Kathryn MacDermid 




LHFIG Councillor Representative 

Cllr Nic Puntis, Cllr Ross Henning, Cllr Nick Botterill and Cllr Adrian Foster 



Supporting documents: