Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:

·       Wiltshire Police – Acting Inspector Chris Wickham, Devizes Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT)

·       Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership – Perry Payne

·       OpenDoors (annual update)

·       Town and Parish Councils


The Chairman drew attention to the following written updates available in the agenda pack:


·       Wiltshire Police Devizes Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), pg. 65-74

·       Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership, pg. 75-85

·       OpenDoors (annual update), pg. 87-92


Cllr Laura Mayes arrived at 18:44pm.


The following partners also provided verbal updates:


Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership


Perry Payne from Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership gave an overview of their work to improve road safety. Points included:


·       They were a multi-agency partnership working across three main workstreams, engineering, education and enforcement.

·       The areas of focus of the different organisations within the partnership were outlined.

·       Wiltshire Police were upgrading the data system used to report road traffic collisions. This data was utilised to undertake “cluster analysis” to identify sites where collision reduction measures might be effective.

·       For every road traffic accident causing a serious injury there were 12 that did not.

·       Town and parish councils could contact the Area Board’s Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group (LHFIG) to apply for traffic surveys to be undertaken.

·       Education about road safety was key as, in 2017, 27 percent of people that died in cars on the road were not wearing a seatbelt.

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service had helped to deliver the Safe Drive Stay Alive presentation to 5,000 students and the Survive to Drive presentation to 4,500 military personnel.

·       Thanks were given to Community Speed Watch (CSW) volunteers who played a role in educating drivers and informing enforcement activity.

·       Between July 2020 and 22 August 2024 there had been 769 watches carried out leading to 4,021 letters being sent.

·       The Police and Crime Commissioner’s office funded three Community Speed Enforcement Officers. Between 1 January 2023 and 22 August 2024, they had been active in 64 locations in the Devizes area and were responsible for sending people on 322 speed awareness courses and sending eight people to court.

·       Wiltshire Police’s Road Policing Unit focussed on a number of different aspects of road safety including weight limits, driving without an MOT and tachograph issues (breaches of driver rest time regulations).

·       Crossing roads whilst looking at ‘phone screens was an increasing risk to pedestrian safety.


During the discussion, points included:


·       The Area Board thanked Mr Payne for his update.

·       In response to a query about the enforcement of breaches of the new 20mph speed limit on Victoria Road in Devizes, Acting Inspector Chris Wickham noted that Devizes Neighbourhood Police Team would look into the issue.

·       The importance of using data to inform speed enforcement activity was emphasised.

·       It was possible to submit photographic and video dash cam evidence of speeding incidents through Operation SNAP online.

·       Thanks were given to the police for their swift response in undertaking the traffic survey on Brickley Lane, near Roseland Avenue. It was observed that a similar survey on Windsor Drive had been void and it was requested that local councillors be informed when this happened.

·       Mr Payne noted that information about the void result was available on page 80 of the agenda pack and that the issue could still be pursued through the LHFIG.

·       A query was asked about how data used in cluster analysis could be questioned, as a freedom of information request to South West Ambulance service from Seend Parish Council had revealed that there were accidents that had not been recorded in the analysis undertaken on a crossroads in their parish. Mr Payne noted that the analysis used national guidelines and that they were working to improve coordination with the NHS. 

·       The impact of the Safe Drive Stay Alive initiative was praised. Mr Payne noted that Dr Elizabath Box from Road Safety GB had conducted research questioning a fear led educational approach. As a result, the sessions were now less hard hitting with a greater focus on empowerment and developing positive habits. 



Wiltshire Police – Devizes Neighbourhood Team


Acting Inspector Wickham gave an update on behalf of the Neighbourhood Team. Points included:


·       Inspector Simon Garrett would be taking over leadership of the team from October with Acting Inspector Wickham returning to become Neighbourhood Sergeant.

·       Crime statistics were stable, with a decrease in the number of theft offences.

·       Although crimes recorded as “violence against the person” were slightly up on the same period in 2023, they had reduced over the past two months.

·       The percentage of burglary investigations where further action was taken was low nationwide, although Wiltshire was a percentage point higher than comparable forces in July and August.

·       Two adult males had recently been charged in relation to burglaries at a café and fish and chip shop.

·       There had been additional police presence in the centre of Devizes to provide reassurance following an attempted murder on Sidmouth Street on 29 June. A suspect had now been charged and was awaiting trial.

·       Three suspects had also been charged in relation to a domestic murder in Easterton, on 3 July, and were due to go to trial in February.

·       In both incidents the victims and suspects were known to each other and there was not believed to be any increased threat to the wider public.

·       There had been a recent spike in the number of motorcycle thefts.

·       Business crime continued to be a priority and Devizes had a really good Shop Watch programme.

·       The Neighbourhood Team had been conducting lots of community engagements, including a Facebook Live and Acting Inspector Wickham appearing on Fantasy FM. They had also been working alongside street wardens funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner.


During the discussion, points included:


·       The Area Board thanked Acting Inspector Wickham for his update.

·       In response to questions about reoffending rates and the impact of the early release of prisoners, Acting Inspector Wickham explained that he would try to obtain the statistics. He noted that prisoners were only being released slightly earlier than planned and that individuals deemed to be a significant risk were not being released early. He was only aware of two individuals from the Neighbourhood Team’s area that were due to be released early. The focus was on safeguarding individual victims and providing reassurance.

·       Thanks were given for the increased visibility of the police.



Cllr Philip Whitehead left the meeting at 19:35pm and returned at 19:40pm.




Noel Woolrych referred the Area Board to the report on pages 87 to 92 of the agenda pack. He took the opportunity to thank the charity’s supporters. He explained that they were working with the probation service and also trying to arrange for a mental health practitioner to support their guests.




Noel Woolrych gave an update about upgrades to CCTV cameras in the town’s car parks. The new cameras had helped to identify a suspect spraying paint on parking machines, as well as assist the police with other enquiries.


Fairtrade Devizes


Jasper from Devizes Fairtrade Gorup reported that Patrick Kaberia, a tea producer from Michimikuru in Kenya, was in Wiltshire spending time in Calne, Corsham and Bradford on Avon to talk about fairtrade and climate change. Mr Kaberia was due to visit Devizes on 19 September to give a speech at 7pm in Devizes Town Hall. Fairtrade refreshments would be available and he would speak with local farmers about their different experiences of the challenges presented by climate change. He encouraged people to attend the event and to do what the could to buy fairtrade goods.



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