Agenda item

City Hall Update

An update from David Redfern, Director Leisure, Culture & Communities.


To include the response to a question submitted by Cllr Paul Sample (attached).


Note: This item was taken earlier in the agenda than planned, as announced by the Chairman under his updates. 


At the Chairman’s invitation, David Redfern, Director – Leisure, Culture & Communities, gave an update to the meeting regarding ongoing developments relating to the City Hall.


It was that progress was being achieved and that regular updates were issued via the council’s communication channels. Savills had been marketing the venue since mid-June 2024 and that process would conclude in September 2024. An article had been also been published in Arts Professional to ensure that the opportunity had been widely circulated. Savills had confirmed that there had been interest from multiple parties in operating the building on a long lease. At the end of September, Savills would ask interested parties to confirm views on the lease and scheduling. Savills would then make recommendations to the council based on the submissions, and officers would then follow the necessary decision making processes to take things forward.


It was stated that given the commercial nature of the discussions until such time as any formal contract was agreed, those discussions would be required to remain confidential, but that the Board would continue to receive updates as soon as possible and practicable.


The Board then discussed the update, raising various questions and comments.


Cllr Paul Sample JP had submitted a question ahead of the meeting which was published with the agenda. A written response had been prepared and this would be attached to these minutes.


Cllr Ricky Rogers stated that he and his wife used to regularly attend events at City Hall. They now had to go to the Weymouth Pavilion which was costing him a small fortune, and he would rather that he was able to attend events locally and spend that money locally. A representative from Wiltshire Creative who was in the audience suggested that he may wish to look at the Salisbury Playhouse Programme so that he could attend events there.


Chris Bradley of the group Friends of City Hall requested that a reasonable timeline be provided. Whilst the update was slightly positive, he had concerns there was not yet sufficient progress.


Mr Redfern acknowledged the concern, and highlighted the three person team working on the matter, additional service matters within his wider directorate that also required focus, and that as City Hall was a commercially sensitive situation he was limited in the information that could be divulged at this time.


Cllr Caroline Corbin queried how a contractor could be expected to take up the opportunity if there was no timeline to adhere to, and also highlighted that it took a long time to get a programme of events up and running. Cllr Corbin felt that officers needed to provide a timeline so that contractors could meet it. Mr Redfern stated once an operator was chosen they would develop a timeline which could be met.


There was also discussion of the length of time the building had been empty and if Wiltshire Council could provide funds to help a provider get set up and get a programme with good names in place. It was stated that Wiltshire Council did not have such funding set aside, but would see what the multiple interested parties could deliver. Cllrs sought assurance that Wiltshire Council would seek extra funding once the deal was resolved as they did not want City Hall to stagnate as a small venue.


Cllr Sven Hocking noted that the matter was commercially sensitive, and the impacts of this, and that Wiltshire Council had to get it right even if it took a bit longer to achieve. As Portfolio Holder for Arts, Heritage, and Tourism he stated that he was pushing hard on the project. He also confirmed that the building was being lit, heated and maintained so it was not deteriorating.

Cllr Sample noted that it was good news that the council would make good the building prior to letting it. However, he continued to consider the update had not provided adequate information on progress. He felt that residents and bidders deserved more information including a timeline and he questioned how hard this was being worked on. In response to comments Savills had not done the best job marketing City Hall Mr Redfern stated that no stone was being left unturned to get this over the line.  


Chris Bradley stated that he appreciated the pressure and the scope of the challenge that the officers faced. However, he suspected that Savills would not come back prior to Christmas, so a decision was unlikely prior to then. He also felt that there would be delays following that with February Full Council considering the budget and then the pre-election period and the elections themselves. So, he felt that a decision was not likely until after the elections.


There being no further questions or comments, the update was concluded.

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