Meeting attendance

Thursday 19 September 2024 10.00 am, Wiltshire Pension Fund Committee

Please note that attending Committee meetings is only one part of a Councillor’s role, and some Councillors also serve on other authorities such as Town and Parish Councils, or Police/Fire/National Park authorities, which can sometimes result in meeting clashes. In some instances, reasons have been given for why Councillors have not attended meetings. Please also note that there may be minor (i.e. <1%) discrepancies in statistics prior to October 2012 due to inconsistencies in how the data was recorded.

Venue:   Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN

Contact:    Ben Fielding - Senior Democratic Services Officer
01225 718656, Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cllr Richard Britton Chairman Expected
Cllr Kevin Small Vice-Chairman Expected
Cllr Gavin Grant Committee Member Expected
Cllr Gordon King Committee Member Expected
Cllr Vijay Manro Committee Member Expected
Cllr Stuart Wheeler Committee Member Expected
Cllr Robert Yuill Committee Member Expected
Stuart Dark Committee Member - Non-Voting Expected
Mike Pankiewicz Committee Member - Non-Voting Expected
Jodie Smart Co-Optee Expected
Claire Anthony Co-Optee Expected
Melanie Durrant Guest Part II Expected
Chris Morton Guest Part II Expected
Karl Read Guest Part II Expected
James Nicholson Guest Part II Expected