Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 21 March 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Max Hirst - Democratic Services Officer  Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

The chairman will welcome attendees to the meeting.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Laura Mayes, Vice Chair and Deputy Leader of the Council, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


A Chair’s Announcement on pharmaceutical services in Warminster was read and are attached to the minutes.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence


Apologies were received from:


Cllr Richard Clewer




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2023.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting on 30 November 2023 were presented for consideration. Alan Mitchell, Chair of Healthwatch Wiltshire, commented on the following resolution at the previous meeting:




i) To note the past and ongoing work between the ICB and Wiltshire Council regarding the tender of a BSW-wide Community Health Services contract.


ii) To note the approval at the ICB Board to the agreed procurement approach to, and commencement of the procurement process.


iii) To note the Cabinet decision to the ‘in principle’ agreement to commit Better Care Funding to the ICB Community Health Contract from 2025 to 2032 (with potential for a further 2 years to 2034). Formal commitment is dependent on a revised and agreed S.75 Agreement (Health and Social Care Act 2012) that covers the period of the contract, along with a signed Collaborative Commissioning agreement. Formal agreement will be sought in early 2024 before the contract is awarded.


It was commented that when the Health and Wellbeing Committee made this resolution on 30 November 2023, it was made on the basis that the ICB was resourced to undertake this complex and large procurement and based on the ICB commitment to operating at place, where Wiltshire has over half of the population. Since then, the Board had become aware that the ICB was facing a cut in its administration budget.  The Community Care Contract would be a major undertaking and its success a vital component in the delivery of the BSW Together Strategy. All partners in the ICS needed reassurance that the risk of delivery will not be increased by organisational changes at the ICB. 


It was asked whether the ICB senior leaders could assure this committee that it would have the resources, particularly the quantity and quality of staff in post, to run the procurement exercise to time and manage the subsequent service transition to new supplier(s) across the three places in the ICS. As a result of this, it was agreed that there would be an item on the contract at the next meeting.


After which, it was:




The Wiltshire Health and Wellbeing Board approved and signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 September 2023 as a true and accurate record.



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest.


Public Participation

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.



If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named on the front of the agenda for any further clarification.



To receive any questions from members of the public or members of the Council received in accordance with the constitution.


Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the front of this agenda no later than 5pm on Thursday 14 March 2024 in order to be guaranteed of a written response. In order to receive a verbal response questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Monday 18 March 2024. Please contact the officer named on the front of this agenda for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent.


Details of any questions received will be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.


There was no public participation.


NHS BSW Operational Plan Update

To receive a report updating on the NHS BSW Operational Plan.

Supporting documents:


It was explained to the Board that in line with the ICBs statutory requirements (Health and Care Act 2022) the Implementation Plan the HWB had received in November 2023 was being refreshed. The Board was then invited to comment.


The Board noted that the timelines within the plan were very strict.


Whilst improvements had been made, the Board wished to see further work on making the document as accessible as possible, such as a glossary to avoid confusion over acronyms.


It was suggested that a version of the plan that could be understood by the public would allow achievements to be highlighted.


It was clarified that whilst certain financial information was not fully available, it was recognised that the plan’s aspirations needed grounding in the reality of funding where possible.


It was further clarified that certain information could not yet be made available publicly.


A briefing to the Chair and Deputy Chair by the ICB on Project Evolve was therefore requested.




To delegate confirmation of the Plan and provision of an opinion on the plan, taking account of the Wiltshire Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy and views of Board members, to the Chair.


For the Chair and Deputy Chair to receive a briefing from the ICB on Project Evolve.



Better Care Plan - standing update

To receive an update on developments relating to the implementation of the Better Care Plan.

Supporting documents:


The report was formally presented to the board. It was noted that significant progress had been made in moving to community care and at home care rather than bedded care.


It was clarified that as physiotherapy was a very specific field and required years of training and study, care home staff were being trained to support recovery plans once put together by physios.


It was assured that reports once submitted were given extensive feedback and was certainly not for box ticking.




To note the report



Right Care Right Person Police Baseline Update

To receive an update on Right Care Right Person.

Supporting documents:


A short presentation was delivered to the Board, which is attached to the minutes.


It was clarified that a data recording would be consistently gathered from partners so that a clear picture was always available on the effectiveness of RCRP.


It was clarified that changes would be integrated slowly rather than suddenly, and that the positive impact on freeing up capacity would not be the same in Wiltshire as in other areas. Therefore, although freed time would be reinvested in other areas the shift would not be as dramatic.




To note the update



Community Area JSNA Update

To receive a presentation updating on the Community Area JSNA.

Supporting documents:


A short presentation was delivered and was attached to the agenda. During the presentation, features of the following website was highlighted:


It was clarified that it was being looked into how updating the data consistently could work, whilst focusing on keeping the dashboard as accessible as possible and not overwhelming people with data.


It was clarified that keeping surveys accessible was kept in mind and that although surveys were mostly online, they could be requested as a paper form.




To note the update



Workplace Health Update

To receive an update on Workplace Health.

Supporting documents:


The report was received by the board and a short PowerPoint was presented, which is attached to the minutes.




To note the update



Urgent Items

Any items of urgency where the chair allows its discussion.


There were no urgent items.



Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is the 23 May 2024.


The next meeting will be on 23 May 2024.


(Duration of meeting: 10:00 – 11:45)


The Officer who has produced these minutes is Max Hirst - Democratic Services Officer of Democratic Services, e-mail


Press enquiries to Communications, direct line 01225 713114 or email