Agenda and draft minutes

Pewsey Area Board - Monday 17 June 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Great Bedwyn Village Hall, Frog Lane, Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire, SN8 3PB

Contact: Ben Fielding  Senior Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman for the forthcoming year.


Nominations were sought for a Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Paul Oatway QPM seconded by Councillor Stuart Wheeler, it was,




To elect Councillor Jerry Kunkler as Chairman of the Pewsey Area Board for the forthcoming year.


Election of Vice-Chairman

To elect a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.



Nominations were sought for a Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year. On the nomination of Councillor Stuart Wheeler seconded by Councillor Jerry Kunkler, it was,




To elect Councillor Paul Oatway QPM as Vice-Chairman of the Pewsey Area Board for the forthcoming year.


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman introduced Wiltshire Councillors in attendance as well as the guest speakers, Inspector Ben Huggins and Nicky Harris.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Anna Paterson, Easton Royal Parish Council.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2024.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2024 were presented for consideration.


Concern was raised that following on from the Highways Matters Area Board meeting, responses to submitted questions should have been provided within a week, however this had not been the case and when the responses had been provided, it was not felt as though they had been adequate.


Assurance was provided that the Director of Highways had been invited to attend the Pewsey Area Board meeting on 17 June as per minute 106, however the Highways matters events had taken place across all 18 of the Area Boards, therefore there was a lot of demand for such attendance.Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager, agreed that he would contact Northern Highways to chase requested responses.


Concern was also raised regarding the Highway Schemes Maintenance Programme, which had not been discussed with it stressed that Pewsey had been labelled as an important region with roads that were not suitable. Members of the public echoed this concern and shared that there was a feeling of zero confidence in Highways.


Assurance was provided that Area Board members had met with Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Clewer and had shown him some of the roads which presented issues locally. Cllr Clewer had since gone away to try and get such work done, however there was a lot of catching up to be done since winter.


Councillor Paul Oatway QPM also provided assurance that he had sent an email to Highways expressing concern regarding the programme of work in the Pewsey area with a lot of projects having been delayed or cancelled. Councillor Jerry Kunkler also expressed that two more gulley tankers had been procured for the use of Parish Councils, which would go out on request to complete work and that should residents have issues with the My Wilts app, they could approach the Area Board Members directly.


Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager, provided assurance that a meeting had taken place which included the Director for Highways and Transport to discuss the concerns that had been raised by several area boards. This included an agreement to look at:

1.    Improving proactive communications from Highways

2.    Consultation on the Highways improvement programme

3.    Where the best place was to discuss local highways issues


After which, it was;




To approve and sign as a true and correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2024.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest.


Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board:


·       Highways Matters Q and A

·       Consultation on the Licensing Policy

·       Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement

·       Multiply – National Numeracy Day


Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements as per the agenda pack:


·       Highways Matters Q and A

·       Consultation on the Licensing Policy

·       Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement

·       Multiply – National Numeracy Day


Information Items

The Board is asked to note the following Information items:


·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

Supporting documents:


The following written updates and information items were received and noted:

·       Community First

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)


Further attention was drawn to the new website for Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre: Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre with it noted that the centre was a valuable local resource and that the centre was trying to expand its offer. It was also noted that there was an event set to take place at Oxenwood on 24 June from 5pm-7pm for young people in the area, which would include open fire activities. Those interested were encouraged to speak to Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager.


Appointment of Representatives 2024/25

To appoint representatives to outside bodies, to reconstitute and appoint Working Groups for the year 2024/25.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board received a report requesting appointments of Councillor representatives to outside bodies, the reconstitution of and appointment to non-priority working groups for the Year 2024/25.




That Pewsey Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representatives to the following Outside Bodies:


·       Pewsey Community Partnership – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM

·       The Vale Health Centre – Cllr Stuart Wheeler


That Pewsey Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representative to the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG):


·       Pewsey Area Board LHFIG – Cllr Jerry Kunkler


That Pewsey Area Board noted the Terms of Reference for the LHFIG as set out in Appendix B, attached to the agenda.


Area Board - End of Year Report

Part I – Looking Back


·       To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2023/24:



Part II – Looking Forward


·       To receive a summary of JSNA Survey Results.

·       To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2024/25.



Supporting documents:


Part I – Looking Back


The Area Board received a presentation from Caroline LeQuesne, Engagement and Partnerships Lead on the Area Board End of Year Report. Caroline thanked local community groups for their hard work, as though the Area Board met four times a year, a lot of work took place in between. It was also outlined how the Area Board had been able to support areas in the most need through looking at deprivation quintiles. The presentation included the following points:


Youth engagement and positive opportunities.

·       This included such work as the Pewsey Youth Café and the Blue Bus in the Villages.


Valuing and supporting vulnerable and older people.

·       It was outlined that for the vulnerable population, work which had taken place included funding for defibrillators, vouchers, and boaters’ access to energy grants.

·       For the older population, work had included the Memory Café and Alzheimer’s Art Group.


Addressing environmental issues.

·       Sylvia Wyatt of Great Green Bedwyn outlined that it had been a busy period for the community group including open and rain gardens which had taken place on 16 June. The event had seen over 800 garden visits over 4 hours and raised over £1,5000.

·       Hard work had been taken place with the Southern Streams Farmers Group and that a small grant for farming in a protected landscape had been received. Presentations had taken place in schools as well as an evening meeting to enable better communication with the farmers and villages.

·       Regarding heat usage, a green open homes event had taken place to offer visitors the opportunity to see how they might improve their own homes.

·       The organisation had picked up an infrared camera which enabled 30 homes to be surveyed, which had seen an increase in heat pumps, draught proofing, and new windows as a result.


Part II – Looking Forward


Richard Rogers, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager (SEPM) provided a summary of the Community Survey/CAJSNA Data:

·       There had been 76 responses to the survey (2.8% of the Wiltshire population).

·       The following 5 priorities were identified by respondents:


o   Almost 40% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 health issues in order were support for keeping physically active, support for living longer better, care for those living with dementia, mental health support and tackling levels of obesity.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that in general the Pewsey community area scored healthy or above average for Wiltshire.


o   12% of respondents chose this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 environment issues in order were increasing biodiversity and quality of landscapes, addressing flooding, supporting public transport services, tackling fly tipping, supporting/improving active travel.

o   It was outlined that locally a lot of work had taken place to support the above, including the DRT bus services and encouraging walking and cycling.

          Cost of Living:

o   11% of respondents chose this as their first choice.

o   The top 4 cost of living issues in order were support for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Family Hubs

To receive a presentation from Nicky Harris – Community and Family Navigator, introducing the work of the Family Hub.


The Area Board received a presentation from Nicky Harris, Community and Family Navigator, which introduced the work of the Family Hubs. The presentation covered the following points:

·       An overview of Family Hubs was provided, with it noted that their aim was to provide greater local community support and guidance for families and young people aged from 0 to 19, extending to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities. 

·       It was noted that the Hubs would be funded by Wiltshire Council and provided by Spurgeon’s Children’s Chairty.

·       The support offered by Family Hubs was outlined including 1-2-1 support in the home, parenting advice groups and a digital family hub available 24 hours a day.

·       The role of Family Navigators and Family Hub Practitioners was outlined.

·       There are 3 main Family Hub sites in Five Rivers (Salisbury), County Hall (Trowbridge) and Monkton Park (Chippenham) with a further 21 Family Navigator sites across the county.

·       The contact details were provided for the Family Hubs as follows: wiltshirecc@spurgeons.organd 0800 970 4669.


After the presentation, there was time for the following questions and points to be made:

·       It was clarified that Family Hubs had no criteria and were there for everyone.

·       The trend of children not attending school was discussed and how this had been a theme with an example cited of how the Family Hub had assisted a mother who was home schooling.

·       It stated that the demand for the Family Hubs had been high and that there was always a need for volunteers.


Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership

·       Health

·       Health & Wellbeing

·       Youth

·       Parish Councils



Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team – including a road safety update

·       Age UK Update

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received updates from Partners and community organisations as detailed below:


·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

The Area Board received an update from the PCAP representatives, Colin Gale, Dawn Wilson and Susie Brew as follows:


Colin Gale – Buses and Trains:

·       The DRT had been doing well and there had been some promotions such as £1 fares on Saturdays, which had taken place several times.

·       Regarding the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) - Wiltshire Council had been awarded £2.1m per annum for the next 2 years, with a condition of the funding award that the bus service could not be reduced during the period.

·       It was updated that unfortunately Pewsey station had been ranked as the bottom GWR station, therefore Colin had contacted Mark Hopwood (GWR Chief Executive) to question what would be done about this, with an invitation provided to attend the GWR stakeholders conference on 24 June 2024.

·       An update was provided on how there would potentially be changes to rail service in Pewsey from 2029, however this would rely on the 4th platform at Westbury.

·       A survey had taken place amongst parishes in Pewsey to look at potholes with a meeting held with Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Clewer, where Cllr Oatway QPM showed some of the roads. These roads had since been repaired, however further repairs had since been needed due to freight.


Susie Brew – Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership:

·       A bike repair stand had been installed in Pewsey with thanks given to the Area Board.

·       Concern was voiced about not having a local visitor partnership in Wiltshire, with Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership doing anything they can to help Visit Wiltshire achieve a status so that they do not miss out on funding.

·       The partnership was still awaiting training on the Wiltshire Council app designed for heritage walks.

·       The partnership would be 10 years old in September and would likely have an event to celebrate.


Dawn Wilson:

·       Home Start are aware of the work of Spurgeon’s and aware working to support children from ages 0-5.

·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership youth coaching is going well., with a group of volunteers as well as two sports coaches who had been funded by Area Board grant funding. A success story has been that one child who has behavioural issues has been introduced into a local football team.

·       The opening of the Pewsey Pump Track was successful and was opened by British BMX champion Amelie Eaton, who provided some demonstrations.

·       The Pewsey Vale Memory Café celebrated 10 years of running and recently had a boat trip which made good use of the Connect Bus.

·       There hasn’t been a Health and Wellbeing meeting for some time with the group looking for a new direction.

·       PCAP has been set up as a voucher provider by Wiltshire Council and can now provide both electronic and paper vouchers to support referred families in need in Pewsey.

·       PCAP has also successfully received a small grant from the Wiltshire Community Foundation for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 128.


Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Older & Vulnerable

Young People





Area Board Initiatives:



Grant Details

Amount Requested








Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


WoodboroughSocial Club – new ladies toilets



WoodboroughParish Room - outside painting and garden project



HilcottVillage Hall - Two noticeboards for Barnard Meadow Hilcott



Older & Vulnerable Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Arts Together Projectsfor Isolated and Vulnerable Older People in Pewsey






Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Burbage Parish Council provision of sessions of Youth Bus






Delegated Funding

The Board is asked to note any funding awards made under the Delegated Funding Process, by the Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, between meetings due to matters of urgency:


·       None


Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:


Community Area Grants:


Woodborough Social Club – £2,000 towards new ladies’ toilets.




Woodborough Social Club was awarded £2,000 towards new ladies’ toilets.


Moved – Cllr Jerry Kunkler

Seconded – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Woodborough Parish Room - £2,000 towards outside painting and garden project.




Woodborough Parish Room was awarded £2,000 towards outside painting and garden project.


Moved – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM

Seconded – Cllr Stuart Wheeler


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Hilcott Village Hall - £640 towards two noticeboards for Barnard Meadow Hilcott.




Hilcott Village Hall was awarded £640 towards two noticeboards for Barnard Meadow Hilcott.


Moved – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM

Seconded – Cllr Jerry Kunkler


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Older and Vulnerable Grants:


Arts Together - £1,700 towards Projects for Isolated and Vulnerable Older People in Pewsey.




Arts Together was awarded £1,700 towards projects for Isolated and Vulnerable Older People in Pewsey.


Moved – Cllr Jerry Kunkler

Seconded – Cllr Stuart Wheeler


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Youth Grants:


Burbage Parish Council - £1,200 towards provision of sessions of Youth Bus




Burbage Parish Council was awarded £1,200 towards provision of sessions of Youth Bus.


Moved – Cllr Stuart Wheeler

Seconded – Cllr Jerry Kunkler


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2023/24.


Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 24 April 2024, as set out in the attached report.




1.    To add the following Issues (with funding) to the Priority Schemes List:

-       10-24-02 Bottlesford Warning Signs and Markings (£850)


2.    To allocate funding to Issues currently on the Priority Schemes List:

-       10-20-9 Chirton 20 mph Speed Limit (£4,500),

-       10-22-8 Rushall Elm Row (Phase 3A) (£5,000)


3.    To close the following Issues:

-       10-20-3 Rushall Elm Row Footway (Phase 2),

-       10-22-11 Woodborough Direction Signs,

-       10-23-5 All Cannings Roundels


4.    Financial Contributions:

-       That Parish and other Third Party Contributions should be set at 40% of the estimated cost, capped at a maximum amount of £5,000.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board received the minutes and considered the recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting held on 24 April 2024, as detailed in the



On the proposal of the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Stuart Wheeler, it was;




To add the following Issues (with funding) to the Priority Schemes List:

10-24-02 Bottlesford Warning Signs and Markings (£850)


To allocate funding to Issues currently on the Priority Schemes List:

10-20-9 Chirton 20 mph Speed Limit (£4,500),

10-22-8 Rushall Elm Row (Phase 3A) (£5,000)


To close the following Issues:

10-20-3 Rushall Elm Row Footway (Phase 2),

10-22-11 Woodborough Direction Signs,

10-23-5 All Cannings Roundels


Financial Contributions:

That Parish and other Third-Party Contributions should be set at 40% of the estimated cost, capped at a maximum amount of £5,000.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.


Future Meeting Dates and Close

Future Meeting Dates (7.00-9.00pm):


·       23 September 2024

·       25 November 2024


For information on applying for a grant or grant application deadlines for these meetings, contact the Engagement and Partnership Lead,
