Agenda item

Area Board End of Year Report and Outside Bodies

Part I – Looking Back


To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2023/24:

o   Combatting Social Isolation and Loneliness – Cllr Gordon King

o   Wellbeing for Young People and Positive Activities – Cllr Carole King

o   Local Environmental Action – Cllr Matt Dean

o   Child Poverty – Cllr Suzanne Wickham


Part II – Looking Forward

·       To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2024/25.

·       To appoint Members as Lead representatives to Outside Bodies and any new Non-Priority Working Groups as set out at Appendix A;

To appoint a Lead representative to the LHFIG (listed on Appendix A) and to note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B.


Part I – Looking Back


The Area Board received a presentation from Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager on the Area Board End of Year Report. The presentation included the following points:


·       Information regarding the composition of the Westbury Community Area and its population was provided.

·       Total Area Board investment was outlined as follows:

o   Community Grants: £15,716 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £52,339.

o   Youth Grants: £12,837 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £51,723.

o   Older and Vulnerable Adults funding: £7,700 – which leveraged a total community contribution of £12,064.

·       It was outlined how much of the funding provided by the Area Biard had been awarded to areas with the most deprived quintiles.

·       It was outlined that there had been:

o   4 Area Board Business meetings over the past year, with 128 attendees.

o   9 Area Board working groups with 94 attendees.

o   28 Engagement Activities with 490 attendees.

·       An overview of the LHFIG Group meetings was provided with £20,061 invested into 16 projects.


Part II – Looking Forward


The Area Board received a presentation from Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager on Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The presentation included the following points:

·       An overview of how the JSNA data had been collected was provided, with it stated that a needs analysis was produced from the data which would be used to set the annual priorities for the Area Board.

·       It was outlined that the following main issues had been identified within the JSNA:

o   Physical health in young people.

o   Support for low-income families.

o   Mental Health.

o   Support for Young Carers.

o   Affordable Housing.

·       In addition, it was outlined that Wiltshire Council had ran a survey for local people, from February 2024 to May 2024. The following issues had been identified within this survey:

o   Health – including physical and mental health.

o   Environment – including fly tipping, public transport and increasing biodiversity.

o   Cost of Living – including supporting children living in low-income families and tackling fuel poverty

o   Community cohesion – including supporting community groups, improving the range of community activities and supporting open spaces and community gardens.

·       It was recommended that the local priorities for the Area Board remain the same for the coming year and that there was a clear overlap between the issues identified and the priorities proposed.


After which, it was;




That Westbury Area Board decided upon the following priorities it wished to focus on in the coming year as well as the respective lead councillor representatives:


o   Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Our Community – Cllr Gordon King

o   Wellbeing for Young People and Positive Activities – Cllr Carole King

o   Local Environmental Action – Cllr Matthew Dean

o   Combatting Child Poverty – Cllr Suzanne Wickham


That Westbury Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representatives to the following Outside Bodies:


o   Westbury Local Youth Network (LYN) – Cllr Carole King

o   Westbury Health and Wellbeing Forum– Cllr Gordon King

o   Westbury Ham Community Project (Eden Vale Youth Centre Project) – Cllr Matthew Dean

o   Warminster and Westbury CCTV – Cllr Matthew Dean


That Westbury Area Board appointed the following Councillor Representative to the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG):


o   Warminster Area Board LHFIG – Cllr Carole King with all Westbury Area Board Councillors to attend meetings.


That Westbury Area Board noted the Terms of Reference for the LHFIG as set out in Appendix B, attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents: