Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


a.    Wiltshire Police – Inspector Ben Huggins

b.    Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership – Suzy Deering

  1. Town / Parish Councils


Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team

·       Kennet and Avon Medical Partnership



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3-minute slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager.



The following partners provided verbal updates:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Ben Huggins and Sergeant Chris Wickham gave an update from Marlborough Neighbourhood Policing Team. Points included:


• 124 crimes and 109 incidents had been reported in the Marlborough area in April and May. It was clarified that incidents could involve issues such as road traffic collisions rather than something that was a criminal offence.

• Crime figures for the area were in line with those in previous years.

• The most common type of crime in the area was theft. Thefts were usually committed by people that did not live locally.

• It was anticipated that there would be an increase in violence over the next few weeks due to the European Championship football, so the police were doing lots of work with licensed premises to try to reduce the risk.

• Police cadets had been undertaking tests to check whether they were able to purchase knives. Disappointingly, a number of premises had been found to have agreed to sell knives to underage children and education had been provided to retailers.

• Online engagement was taking place with parish councils.

• Operation Ragwort was underway to tackle rural crime, particularly the theft of agricultural equipment. Agricultural equipment stolen from Burbage was recently recovered in Fovant.


During the discussion, points included:


• The Area Board thanked Inspector Huggins and Sergeant Wickham for their update.

• In response to a query about installing trackers on farm equipment, it was confirmed that the police were advising farmers to do this and were also working with manufacturers on ways of making equipment harder to steal.

• It was confirmed that there had been one report of hare coursing in the local area in the past few weeks, but it was suspected that there were further cases going unreported.

• Work was going on to improve efficiency in 101 and 999 call centres.



Marlborough Leisure Centre Update


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Communities, Leisure and Libraries, gave an update about the planned refurbishment work at Marlborough Leisure Centre. Points included:


• Marlborough Leisure Centre was one of 20 leisure centres run by Wiltshire Council. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, half of those leisure centres were run by a private company, but they had now been bought in-house.

• Leisure centres were a non-statutory function, so Wiltshire Council was not legally required to provide them to the public. However, after reviewing the provision of leisure centres against strategic objectives, it was felt that they could be delivered in a financially sustainable manner whilst having a positive impact on the health of communities and the local economy. 

• Wiltshire Council had no plans to close any leisure centres or libraries and was investing to improve facilities.

• Over the past year Wiltshire Council had targeted an £8.6 million gap between leisure centre spending and revenue. However, they had actually managed to achieve a gap of just £5 million.

• Leisure centres could have a positive role in supporting wellbeing and officers working in leisure worked closely with colleagues in adult social care to try to maximise the contribution that they could make. They also drew upon expertise from Sport England about how to get the most out of their facilities.

• The Director for Leisure, Culture and Communities, David Redfern, sat on a Leisure, Culture and Communities Board alongside the Director of Public Health at Wiltshire Council, Professor Kate Blackburn.

• A brand-new leisure centre had opened in Melksham and there were plans to build a further centre outside County Hall in Trowbridge.

• Projects to refurbish leisure centres were underway in Devizes, Royal Wootton Bassett, Chippenham and Warminster.

• The Marlborough Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment identified that there was an under provision of gym facilities in the town. There were 484 fitness memberships at Marlborough Leisure Centre, but it was believed that there was demand for 853 members.

• The refurbishment of Marlborough Leisure Centre would include improvements in the fitness suite, changing rooms and soft play facilities. There would be improvements in facilities for customers with special educational needs to make the facilities accessible for the whole community.

• Cllr Blair-Pilling had been heavily lobbied by the Chairman for further investment in Marlborough Leisure Centre.

• The gym was to be extended from 119m2 to 271m2.

• The squash courts and health suite would be removed to allow for the expansion of the gym and improved pool changing facilities. However, Marlborough College had agreed to make their four squash courts available to Marlborough Squash Club, so there would still be facilities available in the town.

• Construction was expected to start before the end of the year and was projected to cost slightly over £2 million. It was anticipated that the project would be complete by the summer of 2025.


During the discussion, the following points were made:


• The Area Board thanked Cllr Blair-Pilling for his update and welcomed the investment in Marlborough Leisure Centre.

• In response to a query about whether the project would include the ceiling of the leisure centre’s swimming pool, Cllr Blair-Pilling explained that it was not part of this project. However, the issue had been registered and there was a leisure centre maintenance budget. Issues would be prioritised according to need.

• Neil Goodwin from Marlborough News sought clarification about how the catchment area population of 17,461 was calculated. It was noted that this was the figure used in the recent Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, so would have been drawn from the 2021 census.

• The Director for Leisure, Culture and Communities explained that Sport England used a 10-minute drive as their definition of a catchment area for a leisure centre.

• It was confirmed that there was sufficient funding available in the capital budget to complete the project.

• Cllr Paul Oatway QPM noted that the Vale Leisure Centre in Pewsey had been a huge success.

• The Chairman stated that she was delighted that the works were going ahead and thanked Marlborough College for their co-operation in ensuring that squash facilities were kept in the town.

• The Vice-Chairman prised Cllr Blair-Pilling for his bold and proactive action in improving the leisure estate, improving membership and putting the centres on a more financially sustainable footing.


The following partner provided written updates:


• Marlborough Neighbourhood Policing Team, pg. 49-57

Supporting documents: