Agenda item

Updates from Task Groups and Representatives on Programme Boards

To receive any updates on recent activity for active Task Groups and from Members of the Environment Select Committee who have been appointed as Overview and Scrutiny Representatives on Programme Boards.



Councillor Jonathon Seed, Chairman of the Speed Limit Assessments Task Group, presented an update on the Task Group since 20 March 2024.


The recent activities of the Task Group were detailed, namely:


·       A meeting on 26 March 2024 in which the Task Group looked at the recently revised Department for Transport guidance ‘Setting Local Speed Limits’ (March 2024). A small number of recent speed limit assessment reports were also reviewed alongside a list of speed limit assessments over the last 18 months provided by the Highways and Transport Department.

·       A meeting with AtkinsRealis and Highways Officers on 20 May 2024 to look at the role of external consultants and the compiling of evidence for the development of speed assessments. Particular focus was given to the use of community information, the interpretation of the Department for Transport guidance, the use of collision data, and the consideration of vulnerable road users.

·       A meeting on 23 May 2024 with several Chairmen from Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Groups who had requested speed limit assessments in the past 18 months in order to understand their experience of undertaking the assessments.


In response to questions, it was confirmed that the Task Group looked at both accident hotspot data and Wiltshire Council’s approach to speed limit assessments in comparison to other Local Authorities in a broader sense rather than particular specifics. Furthermore, it was explained that the Task Group were focussing on the perceived lack of transparency in the investigation and assessment of applications and appeals, particularly in those cases where the results don’t meet the expectations of those who apply for them.


Councillor Graham Wright, Chairman of the Climate Emergency Task Group, then presented an update on the Task Group since 20 March 2024.


The recent activities of the Task Group were detailed, namely:


·       A meeting on 15 March 2024 in which the Task Group reviewed the consultation process and responses for the Air Quality Action Plan 2024-29. The Task Group welcomed the increase in monitoring and that air quality was improving, but raised other air quality concerns, not created by vehicles such as wood burning stoves and fire pits.

·       The Wessex Community Energy Network Event on 16 May 2024 which was attended by the Chairman and explored opportunities to engage with local communities in creating, saving, and sharing energy.


In response to questions regarding further understanding of the issues being explored and relevant schemes such as the Tree and Woodland Programme, Members were encouraged to attend any meetings of the Task Group and provide feedback and suggestions to be considered in the Task Group’s Forward Work Plan.


Following which, it was:




The Committee:


1)    Noted the update on the Task Group activity provided above.


2)    Re-appointed the Climate Emergency Task Group and the Membership listed in the report, with the commencement of the 2024-25 Council year.


3)    Noted the activity of the Climate Emergency Task Group (June 2023 – June 2024) in Appendix 1.


4)    Noted the Climate Emergency Task Group’s draft Forward Work Plan in Appendix 2.


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