Agenda item

Update on the Implementation Plan of the Integrated Care Strategy

The Committee will receive an update on the Implementation Plan of the BSW Integrated Care Strategy.


The Chairman welcomed Leanne Field (Head of Delivery NHS BSW (ICB) who was in attendance to give an update on the Implementation Plan of the Integrated Care Strategy.


Summarising the more detailed presentation included in the agenda pack, the following was highlighted:


·            The original plan was developed and signed off in 2023 and a high level refresh had now been undertaken covering the two years 2024/25 and 2025/26.  The full implementation plan was available in their website and would be circulated the committee following the meeting;


·            The plan had been developed with regard to the Integrated Care Strategy, the ICB Operating Plan and other system partnership key plans, particularly the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategies and they were working with the 11 Delivery Group Leads (Programme Boards);


·            The 2023-24 successes across BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire included the development of an Integrated Neighbourhood Team in Swindon, a youth worker pilot, unborn children and those under 1 years old system improvements and over 7000 staff completing the Oliver McGowan training on learning disability and autism;


·            Specific successes during 2023-24 for Wiltshire included improvements in obesity levels and in services for children and young people;


·            The Integrated Care Plan objectives for 2024-25 were a focus on prevention and early intervention, fairer health and wellbeing outcomes, provision of excellent health and care services and financial recovery and sustainability;


·            Some of the Wiltshire priorities for 2024-25 would include areas such as healthcare inequalities, neighbourhood collaboratives and system flow; and


·            The ICB were awaiting the findings from the Lord Darzi Rapid Review of the state of the NHS, which was expected to impact on the NHSE refresh of the 10 year plan which is due to take place in Spring 2025.  The ICB would consider the Darzi Review and 10 year plan update in its 2025-26 iteration of the Implementation Plan, ensuring priorities are aligned. 


The Committee asked the following questions which included but were not limited to:


·            It was felt to be important that performance and delivery by health care providers and the Council should be integrated where possible – was there anything in plan to show the Care Boards now being integrated had benefited people and could you reassure us that they are working better than they were before. It was noted that there was a specific section in the implementation plan for Wiltshire which had been co-written by health and Council colleagues and the priorities had been developed through alliance and the wider partners with flow through.


·            On page 55 of the agenda pack shows the Wiltshire priorities for 2024-25, how would these be measured and was there a set of metrics behind those to determine quality and performance.  It was noted that there were national metrics which officers would look into, and it was believed that they were also monitored through the alliance.


·            There were concerns lack of pharmacies in the Amesbury area raised.  It was noted that this would be addressed outside of the meeting.




That the Health Select Committee


1.          Receives a performance report in a year’s time showing delivery of the Wiltshire Priorities (page 55 of the agenda) for 2024-25 in relation to:

o  Healthcare inequalities

o  Neighbourhood collaboratives

o  System flow


2.          Delegates to the Chair and Vice Chair to have sight of the report when it is being drafted to ensure that it provides performance information that the committee can meaningfully review. 

Supporting documents: