Agenda item

Update on Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection of Adult Social Care

The Committee will receive an update on the CQC inspection of adult social care which is due to take place between 24 – 26 September 2024.


The Chairman introduced an update on the upcoming CQC inspection of Adult Social Care scheduled for 24 to 26 September 2024 and it was noted that the Chairman and Vice Chairman had both been invited to attend a meeting with the CQC Inspectors during that time. 


The Chairman invited Emma Legg (Director – Adult Social Care) to talk to the presentation that was shared as part of the agenda supplement pack and the following was highlighted:


·            An overview of the inspection timeline which would include inspectors being on site for 2.5 days and selecting up to 10 of the 50 identified cases to ask for their customer journey feedback and those involved with their care;


·            Staff were working hard to finalise the timetable for the inspectors to speak with front line staff and partner organisations including the Chair and Vice Chair of this committee;


·            The inspection feedback meeting was planned for 2 October and the findings report would be drafted to share with the service.  The final version when prepared would be shared with the committee; and


·            The Senior leadership presentation to the CQC had been their opportunity to explain how the service was organised, the strengths, outcomes and ongoing development areas for each adult social care operational and commissioning service and with a number of spotlight focus areas also being highlighted.


The Committee asked the following questions which included but were not limited to:


·            Whether the service was ready and prepared for the inspection and if everyone understand their object and place in the team.  It was noted that all of the teams involved had worked really hard to get to this position and they were proud of the passion and commitment shown and that they felt that they were in a much stronger position than they were in 12 to 24 months ago.  A lot of time had been spent reflecting on performance and they had been given the opportunities to share their stories and say what they feel works work and what challenges they face.


·            If this was an overall inspection of Adult Social Care or if it would focus on any particular aspect?  It was noted that the overall assessment framework covered many areas which had an enormous scope.  The inspectors would focus on intelligence data which would lead them to look at specific areas.


·            How were the 50 cases shared with CQC selected to be listed for possible further inspection?  It was noted that these were random but covered a range of diagnoses and conditions to ensure that there were some broad categories to cover all of the current population.




That the Health Select Committee


1.          Receives a brief report presenting the outcomes of the CQC inspection at the next available committee meeting and how this compares with the position presented on slide 4 of the agenda supplement (which are the strengths and areas for further development).


2.          Reviews its forward work programme, if required, based on the outcomes of the CQC inspection.

Supporting documents: