Decision details

Approval for sign off of RIBA Stage 2 and Progression to RIBA 3

Decision Maker: David Redfern (Director - Leisure, Culture & Communities)

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To confirm the scope of the Marlborough Leisure Centre Refurbishment Project. Approve the projects progression to RIBA Workplan Stage 3 (Spatial Co-ordination).

Reasons for the decision:

8.An end stage project review was undertaken at the conclusion of RIBA 2. The review concluded that the design concept, developed at feasibility, aligns with the project brief and budget. This decision therefore determines that the project, with the agreed scope, should be progressed to RIBA 3 – Spatial Co-ordination.
9.In making this decision it is acknowledged that some facilities will be lost/changed. The reasons for making this decision are set out below:
a. Squash Court – This decision will remove all squash provision. Currently, only one squash court is being used (the second is being used for soft play). Usage of this court is low. Extending the gym facility into this area will more than double its capacity allowing for a significant increase in leisure memberships; latent demand data for Marlborough supports this.
b. Soft Play – The gym extension will displace the soft play from the second squash court. Soft play equipment will be reused to provide regular soft play sessions in the main hall. A timetable will be developed locally.
c. Health Suite – The health suite will be removed to make space for an extended wet-change offer. This extension will bring its capacity in line with Sport England design guide for the pool. The extension will include new family changing cubicles, accessible change areas and Changing Places Facility. The actual current health suite area will be used for group changing facilities, in the main to accommodate primary school swimming. The health suite has not been in use since it was close during the COVID-19 pandemic. The health suite is currently in a poor condition and would need investment if it were to re-open. It has been determined that improving the wet-change facilities will provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of users.
10. I confirm that in making this decision I have considered the following in line with Wiltshire Council’s Constitution:
Key decision requirements: To have a full understanding of the impact on the facility due to removing the facilities stated above.
Views of relevant cabinet member(s), committee chairman, area board(s): All changes have been agreed and shared with the Cabinet member for Leisure and local member.
Consultation with cabinet member(s), the Leader and Scrutiny (for Executive decisions taken under Emergency Powers): The allocation of capital was approved as part of budget setting in 2021/22
Consultation with the Chief Executive OR Corporate Director where appropriate: N/A
Consultation with local members (as appropriate): Area Board members will be informed of progress.
Consideration of the area boards and delegated decision checklist for officers on the issue of when and how to involve local councillors and area boards in decisions about local services: As above
Implication of any council policy, initiative, strategy or procedure: n/a
Consultation in accordance with requirements and expectations of consultation with the public: n/a
Range of options available: Yes – Finances have been agreed and teams identified to deliver RIBA stage 3 of the project.
Staffing, financial and legal implications: An equalities assessment will be maintained throughout to ensure this duty is upheld.
Evidence of due regard having been given to the Public Sector Equality Duty: A risk register will be maintained for the project.
Risk assessment: Procurement have been engaged.
Involvement of statutory officers and/or directors: David Redfern is the SRO on the project.
Regional or national guidance from other bodies: Appropriate scheme of delegation is being used
The council’s constitution :Yes
This contract is suitable for execution under the e-signature process: n/a

Alternative options considered:

11.A feasibility study was undertaken that looked at a range of options for investing in Marlborough Leisure Centre. This feasibility study determined that the proposed scheme was the most cost-effective way to deliver the intended outcomes (increasing participation, increasing leisure memberships, improving health and wellbeing of the community)

Conflict of Interest: Not applicable

Background: As set out in the attached Rood.

Contact: David Redfern, Director - Leisure, Culture and Communities Email: Tel: 01225 713051.

Publication date: 20/06/2024

Date of decision: 14/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: