Issue - meetings

Community Asset Transfer Policy

Meeting: 10/01/2011 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 8)

8 Community Asset Transfer Policy

To consider the recommendations of the attached report of the Head of Strategic Property Services, proposing a review of existing Community Asset Transfer policy.

Supporting documents:


The Committee then received a presentation from the Head of Strategic Property Services, setting out the contents of the report and making recommendations as per the report.


Key points raised were as follows:

·        Existing community asset transfer policy has been in place for around a year, in which time Wiltshire Council’s financial position has changed significantly

·        Existing policy requires better definition around the classification of strategic and non-strategic assets; asset value threshold being insufficient

·        Current internal resource required for facilitating transfers disproportionate to benefits enabled in many cases

·        Need for increased consultation with communities, and for these to produce detailed business cases for asset use when bidding

·        Potential for internal consultation where re-use of buildings is an option

·        Many benefits still to be gained by transfer to community, for instance with registered charities’ rates relief and tax breaks

·        New policy will reflect Localism Bill once published, with sufficient provision as to respond to further legislative changes


The Committee received a question from Cllr Tony Trotman, Chair of the Section 106 Scrutiny Task Group, in relation to whether the authority had finance available to make buildings serviceable ready for transfer to communities, and if so, how this would be used. It was confirmed that no such budget exists and that communities should consider this in making transfer applications.


The Committee received a question from Cllr Tony Deane, Vice-Chair of the Budget & Performance Task Group in relation to the extent to which the report considers the links between community groups with their Area Board and Cabinet or Committee members and Scrutiny. It was confirmed that the full proposal for a revised policy would have regard to this issue.


The Committee received a second question from the Vice-Chair of the Budget & Performance Task Group in relation to the resources of Parish and Town Councils in terms of facilitating the community asset transfer process, given potential limitations. It was suggested that Parish and Town Councils would not necessarily play an integral role in the process but should support community groups in making applications.


Following discussion regarding the points raised and recommendations made in the officer’s report, it was,




To approve the recommendations of the Head of Strategic Property Services, as follows:


That cabinet request the Director of Resources to carry out a review of the existing Community Asset Transfer Policy, and to report to a future Committee meeting with a proposed amended policy.


And that a full proposal for a replacement policy be brought to the soonest possible meeting of the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee.