Issue - meetings

Transformation of Waste and Recycling Collection Services

Meeting: 10/01/2011 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 7)

7 Transformation of Waste and Recycling Collection Services

To consider the recommendations of the attached report of the Service Director, Waste Management Services, regarding capital investment in the Transformation of Waste and Recycling Collection.

Supporting documents:


The Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning, introduced the item and outlined the scope of the report and general aims of the proposals contained therein.


The Committee then received a presentation from the Service Director, Waste Management Services, setting out the contents of the report and making recommendations as per the report.


Key points raised were as follows:

·        Report is set within context of outcome of comprehensive spending review

·        After proposal to defer until 2012/13, scheme to go ahead in 2011/12

·        Requirement for capital investment of around £8.5m over the four years 2011/12 – 2014/15

·        Transformation scheme will improve waste collection services for Wiltshire residents and increase recycling to meet targets

·        Proposals brought to Cabinet Capital Assets Committee to implement the transformation scheme as approved on 19th October 2010


The Committee received a question from Cllr Tony Deane, Vice-Chair of the Budget & Performance Task Group in relation to whether the proposals and wider transformation scheme were intended to deliver service improvements or reduce costs including landfill taxes and increase value for money. It was confirmed that the proposal and service review sought to enable benefits across all of these factors.


The Committee received a question from Cllr Tony Trotman, Chair of the Section 106 Scrutiny Task Group, in relation to the anticipated timescale for implementation of the programme. It was confirmed that this was yet to be definitively established and that a report containing this information would be available from 22 February 2011.


Following discussion regarding the points raised and recommendations made in the officer’s report, it was,




To approve the recommendations of the Service Director, Waste Management Services, as follows:


That the Committee agrees to include the proposed capital investment [as set out in the report], required to implement the new services for waste and recycling collection during 2011-12, in the council’s future capital programme, to be approved through the budget setting process.