Issue - meetings

A350 Chippenham Pinch Point Scheme

Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 97)

97 A350 Chippenham Pinch Point Scheme

  Report by Service Director, Highways and Transport to update Cabinet on the success of the bid and to confirm the Committee’s endorsement to the progression of the project and to note the funding arrangements.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Cabinet member for Economy, Skills and Transport introduced the report which noted the Department of Transport’s award of ‘pinch point’ funding towards the dualling of the A350 north of Chippenham.


The Committee heard that the award had to be spent by December 2014. A question on where the council’s contributions were coming from confirmed that the funds were already in place and had been secured through Section 106 agreements.


Further updates would be provided to the Committee as the scheme progressed.




That the Committee notes the Department of Transport’s award of ‘pinch point’ funding towards the dualling of the A350 north of Chippenham.


Reason for decision


To inform Cabinet of the current position relating to the bid, and give an update on risk and programme.