Agenda item

Update on Broadband Provision in Wiltshire

As resolved at the Environment Select Committee meeting on 4 January 2023, the Select Committee will receive an update report.


Please note: this report will follow as an Agenda Supplement.


Victoria Moloney, Head of Economy and Regeneration, updated the Committee on the progress being made in supporting the delivery of broadband provision across Wiltshire.


The background to the programme was briefly detailed as per Paragraphs 2 – 8 of the report, and Members were informed of the £18.8m contract awarded to Wessex Internet to provide approximately 14,500 hard-to-reach premises in South Wiltshire with access to gigabit-capable broadband. Furthermore, the North Wiltshire project remained in the procurement cycle with Building Digital UK in which work was progressing on cross regional connectivity solutions to assess which providers would have the ability to undertake the build. As such, further announcements were expected by the end of the year.


It was highlighted that as Wiltshire had two Project Gigabit contracts for the North and South of Wiltshire respectively, there was the possibility that a few Wiltshire properties would be eligible for a Project Gigabit voucher. Finally, it was explained that conversations were progressing in respect of the Shared Rural Network “not spots” surrounding mobile connectivity by which the main four mobile infrastructure providers share rural infrastructure to ensure maximum coverage. It was noted that some areas had already been identified and further updates would be reported in the coming months.


During the discussion, points included:


·       Members were informed that the decommissioning of the copper network had been postponed until approximately 2027 because the build had not been completed to the level anticipated. However, Members were encouraged to approach officers with specific postcodes they were interested in as officers would be able to identify if they were classified as being eligible for public subsidy or if there was a private build being planned. 

·       Officers were working with Building Digital UK (BDUK) to confirm which properties would be connected by the private sector and to establish accurate information in order to identify which properties may need to be considered within the public provision if necessary.

·       It was explained that once the North Wiltshire contract was confirmed, officers would be able to understand the scale of how many properties would not be covered under the two contracts. Furthermore, the operational plan for South Wiltshire was due to be submitted and approved by September 2024, therefore officers would have a better sense of the gap in provision at that time and could then address accordingly.

·       It was noted that there had been related projects in Wiltshire that had taken a non-standard approach to broadband infrastructure, yet it was highlighted that only once the scope of the shortfall had been identified could other technologies be considered. It was further emphasised that the Government looked to suppliers to decide on the most appropriate technologies, with fibre being the current endorsed method.

·       Officers noted that powers to enforce were a consistent policy discussion with regard to situations where residents were not eligible for provision through no fault of their own, but further information on this topic could be discussed outside of the meeting.

·       Members were encouraged to pass any enquiries to

·       Officers were thanked for their continued work and commitment to supporting residents throughout the delivery of the project.


Following which, it was:




The Committee:


1)    Noted the update.


2)    Noted the future delivery plans across Wiltshire.


3)    Requested an update in 12 months’ time.


Supporting documents: