Agenda item

Area Board End of Year Report and Outside Bodies

Part I – Looking Back


To receive the Area Board End of Year Report as well as to report on progress made in addressing the Area Board priorities selected for 2023/24:


·       Supporting low-income individuals and families – Cllr Antonio Piazza

·       Youth engagement, employment and positive activity opportunities – Cllr Jo Trigg

·       Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing – Cllr Stewart Palmen

·       Supporting the local economy – Cllr Daniel Cave

·       Addressing climate change & Protecting Green Spaces – Cllr Mel Jacob



Part II – Looking Forward


·       To highlight potential priorities for the Area Board to consider for 2024/25.

·       To appoint a Lead Representative to the LHFIG (listed on Appendix A) and to note the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix B.


Part I – Looking Back


The Area Board received a presentation from Liam Cripps, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager (SEPM), on the Area Board End of Year Report. The presentation included details of different schemes under the following themes:


·       Youth Engagement and Positive Activity Opportunities

·       Supporting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing

·       Supporting Low-Income Individuals and Families

·       Supporting the Local Economy

·       Addressing Climate Change and Protecting Green Spaces


It was emphasised that the Area Board was more than just four business meetings a year, it was about the investing in local communities and developing strong relationships with partners and community organisations to improve the lives of residents and create an empowered community.


Members raised fly tipping and queried if communications between the Town Council and Wiltshire Council could be improved to which officers agreed that a solution could be considered at a future date.



Part II – Looking Forward


Liam Cripps, SEPM, provided a summary of the Community Survey/CAJSNA Data:


·       There had been 135 responses to the survey (5% of the population), with the demographic of respondents split between 25-34 to 65+ years of age.

·       The following four priorities were identified by respondents:



o   Over 40% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 health issues in order were mental health support; support for “living longer better”; support for keeping physically active; care for those living with dementia; and tackling levels of obesity.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Trowbridge was above the Wiltshire average levels for diagnosed diabetes and 10-11 year olds who were obese or overweight, and the second highest levels of diagnosed depression in Wiltshire.




o   Almost 20% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 environmental issues in order were improving the quality of landscapes (nature reserves and other destinations); supporting public transport services; support for increase in biodiversity; tackling fly tipping; and addressing flooding.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Trowbridge had the 6th highest number of fly tipping reports to Wiltshire Council in 2022-23, 92 green open spaces listed in the Trowbridge community area, and the 3rd highest number of school age children completing ‘Walk Safe’ and ‘Bikeability’ training in Wiltshire.




o   Almost 10% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 safety issues in order were tackling anti-social behaviour; reducing the level of crime; tackling anti-social behaviour by young people; addressing drug crime; and reducing speeding.

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Trowbridge had the 2nd highest levels of reported anti-social behaviour and reported violence towards women and girls, the highest level of reported domestic abuse offences (including when children/young people were present, and the third highest level of total crime involving persons under 18 years old. However, it was emphasised that as Trowbridge was a large town within a rural County, it was expected that these levels would be higher than other smaller community areas.


Children and Young People


o   Close to 10% of respondents had chosen this as their first choice.

o   The top 5 issues affecting children and young people in order were improving positive activities for young people, supporting young people’s mental health, support for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), improving health (including obesity), and support for young people not in employment, education or training (NEET).

o   CAJSNA data was provided to support this, including that Trowbridge had the highest number of persons aged 25 years or under in Wiltshire, the second highest levels of pupils eligible for free school meals, below Wiltshire average for pupils classed as persistent absentees, and above Wiltshire averages for 4-5 year olds and 10-11 years olds who were obese and for under 18 year olds in treatment for substance misuse.


After which, it was:




1)    The Area Board decided upon the following priorities it wished to focus on in the forthcoming year as well as the respective Lead Councillor Representatives:


·       Youth engagement, employment, and positive activity opportunities – Councillor Jo Trigg

·       Addressing climate change and protecting green spaces – Councillor Mel Jacob

·       Supporting low income individuals and families – Councillor Antonio Piazza

·       Older and vulnerable people: supporting positive mental and physical health – Councillor Stewart Palmen

·       Community safety – Councillor David Vigar


2)    The Area Board appointed all Area Board Members as Representatives of the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group.


3)    The Area Board noted the Terms of Reference for the Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group as set out in Appendix B as attached to the agenda pack.


Supporting documents: