Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team and Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership – Perry Payne

·       Age UK Update


Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Parish and Town Councils

·       Parish Forum Notes

·       Other Community Groups


To questions The Area Board received a number of updates from Partners and community organisations as detailed below:


1.    Neighbourhood policing Team

The Area Board received a written update and presentation from Insp Pete Foster, Wiltshire Police, which included detail about the Community Policing Team, Wiltshire Police coming out of special measures, the Police community commitment, community engagements, Chippenham town and rural areas crime and incident statistics, operational priorities and the CCTV van. 


Members commented on the upgrading of the CCTV van equipment and welcomed its continual role in the Chippenham community area and occasionally further afield, aspirations to increase the number of special constables and the ability to call on additional support when needed, the reporting of retail theft and the pro-active action taken by the police to engage with the issue and contact with retail organisations and the work of the Police Scrutiny Panels and how to sign up as a Panel member.   


The Chairman thanked Insp Pete Foster for attending the Area Board meeting, responding to questions and to continue the great work in Chippenham.


2.    Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership

The Area Board received a presentation from Perry Payne, Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership, which included detail about the members of the Partnership, the three main workstreams – engineering, education and enforcement, careless or inconsiderate driving, community speed watch – including statistical data and traffic survey information for the Chippenham area and emerging issues.


The Partnership representative responded to a number of comments and questions as follows:


·       Compliments to the good work of the Police in reducing the number of ‘car gangs’ in supermarket car parks, although it appeared that the issue of speeding had migrated to the A350 and there was a need for additional signage to encourage lower speeds - it was suggested that a request would need to be considered by the appropriate Parish Council prior to the LHFIG and Wiltshire Council.

·       Further information about the Drive Plus Assessments for older drivers and subsidised drivers through the Pass Plus Scheme is available from Jane Deeley, Road Safety manager, Wiltshire Council.

·       An issue of motorcyclists using cycle lanes and ignoring signs indicating no motor vehicles – to forward details to the Partnership Representative who would pass on the information to the local Police unit in the area.

·       Timeframes for receiving Traffic Survey results from Speed Indicator Devices, in particular Canal Road, Chippenham – details are available from Wiltshire Council.

·       Appreciation for the Police and Crime Commissioner making speeding one of his priorities and the increase in road policing units in the County.


The Chairman thanked Perry Payne, Partnership Representative for his very informative presentation.


3.    Age UK Update

The written report attached to the agenda pack was noted.


4.    Parish and Town Councils

Cllr Clare Cape and Cllr Nick Murry reported that the recent referendum for the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan was successful with 86% of residents supporting the Plan. The Plan would now be ‘made’ by Wiltshire Council and become part of the development plan, for making decisions and recommendations on planning applications in the Chippenham area.


5.    Parish Forum

The Area Board received the notes of the Parish Forum meeting held on 20 March 2024. The Chairman thanked Cllr Greenman for re-establishing the Forum.


6.    Other Community Groups

There were no reports from other community groups.


Supporting documents: