Agenda item

Schools Capital Programme 2014 -2017

  Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director


Cllr Richard Gamble, Portfolio holder for schools, skills and youth presented a report which explained proposals for expanding school provision, enabling the Council to meet it’s statutory duty to secure sufficient school places.


He highlighted the acceleration of activity in permanent places already completed shown in table 1, and drew attention to the provision for over 200 places at Wellington Academy in addition to those detailed in table 3 of the report.


He noted that the school places proposals did not include the requirements of the rebasing programme, estimated at 1000 to 1500 more than provided. Discussions were currently underway with the government on how these will be funded and it would be the subject of a further paper to the Committee.


In response to questions on the military timescale it was explained that it could take up to three years for a school to be built, although with planning permission in place it could be built within a year. Troops were expected back by 2019, and a stretch target had been given of 2018. The consultation on service family accommodation was due to be completed on 1 April 2014, after which negotiations would start, however confirmation on funding would be needed from the government.


Attention was drawn to the dip in pupil numbers as people leave prior to families coming in and Cllr Gamble confirmed that discussions were being held with the Department of Education on revenue funding.


Clarification was sought on the 420 places at Tidworth NEQ New School seen in table 2. It was highlighted that Cabinet approval for a two form instead of one was due to rebasing need and therefore half should not be funded through basic need. It was explained that the only money available was through basic need and a retrospective claim would be made to the Ministry of Defence.


The lack of growth in the north of the county was noted, and it was explained that reviews were currently underway in the Chippenham and Devizes areas. School transport would be considered as part of these reviews.




That the Committee:


i.              Authorises the Corporate Director for Children’s Services to invite and evaluate tenders for the projects described in the report, and, following consultation with the cabinet member, to award the contract for the project (subject to approval of any necessary statutory proposals)


ii.            Authorises the Corporate Director for Children’s Services to consult further with primary schools across core strategy growth areas in Wiltshire and relevant interested parties on options for expansion, and where appropriate publish Statutory Proposals for expansion (in line with the schools capital programme described in this report ); and


iii.           Authorises the Corporate Director for Children Services to seek all necessary planning and statutory consents and approvals for the works and land transfers described in this report.


iv.           Authorises the Corporate Director for Children Services to develop plans to balance the budget by seeking further funding streams to support the provision of sufficient secondary places arising from both civilian and service family accommodation in Tidworth and Amesbury community board areas estimated at between £15m - £20m


Reason for Proposal


The decisions are required to enable Council to progress to the next stage of the process for expanding school provision to meet its statutory duty to secure sufficient school places. The Council has a statutory responsibility to promote high educational standards, ensure fair access to educational opportunity and promote the fulfilment of every child’s educational potential. The Council must also promote diversity and increase choice.


Demand for school places is anticipated to increase as a result of demographic growth, new housing developments in accordance with the Wiltshire Core Strategy, and as troops returning from Germany rebase their families in settlements on Salisbury Plain.


The Legal Framework within which any cabinet member must consider the proposals is set out in the legal implications section.


Cabinet delegated approval is required to invite and evaluate tenders, and submit any required planning applications. Cabinet delegated approval is required to award contract (or a programme of contracts) with an annual value of £1 million or total value greater than £4 million. Given timescales governing the delivery of the schemes, delegated authority with consultation as appropriate is requested to allow timely progression of projects.

Supporting documents: