Agenda item

Urgent items

Any other items of business that the Chair agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


The Chair agreed to consider two items under urgent business, as follows:


a) Wiltshire Local Investment Plan


It was agreed that this item should be considered as an urgent matter on the grounds that there would be no other suitable meeting at which it could be considered prior to the deadline for submissions to the Homes and Communities Agency. It was also noted that a further stage of consultancy would be required prior to the deadline. Consent was granted by the Chairman of the Council to consider this as a key decision not published in the Forward Work Plan on the basis that the final Plan would have a significant effect on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.


The Service Director, Economy and Enterprise, introduced the report and history of the Local Investment Plan, including its links with the Single Conversation document and Core Strategy. The urgency of the matter was reiterated and the following points made:


·         The Homes and Communities Agency require submission of an approved Local Investment Plan detailing priority sites and indicative housing figures prior to issuing grant funding;

·         In this instance, the authority has to adhere to the process for funding, despite ongoing changes in central government with the impending Localism Bill; and

·         That the draft document requires approval in outline only, with the final version to be considered and agreed by Cabinet / Cabinet Capital Assets Committee at a later date.


A question was received from the Cabinet Member, Leisure, Sport and Culture, in respect of the status of the sites detailed in the Plan. The Service Director clarified that the Plan is currently, in part, a legacy document which is subject to change in respect of further research and the content of the Core Strategy.


The Cabinet Member, Economic Development, Planning and Housing, emphasised the imperative to bid out of responsibility to the county’s Registered Social Landlords as well as the demands on housing provision.


After discussion by the Cabinet Committee, it was,




That the Wiltshire (draft) Local Investment Plan is approved for the purposes of identifying affordable housing priorities for the HCA Investment Programme 2011-15 and informing the HCA business planning process. And to,


Delegate to the Service Director, Economy & Enterprise, the continued development of the LIP and the further investigation on investment priorities in conjunction with colleagues and partners for consideration at a subsequent Cabinet Capital Assets Committee.


The Chairman stressed that the approval of this document in its draft form by the Cabinet Committee serves purely to facilitate the submission of the representative figures therein to the Homes and Communities Agency and will not be given regard in the adoption of the final Local Investment Plan or Core Strategy.



It was then,




To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the subsequent business of the meeting because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.


The Cabinet Capital Assets Committee noted the confidential appendix attached to the report at 12(a).



b) Proposed Bid for Grant Funding to Deliver Additional Affordable Housing


It was agreed that this item should be considered as an urgent matter on the grounds that there would be no other suitable meeting at which the item could be considered prior to the deadline for bids on 3 May 2011.


The Cabinet Member, Economic Development, Planning and Housing, introduced the report and outlined the key issues as follows:


·         Report proposals seek only approval to bid for funds, and do not commit the authority to the scheme detailed or any future strategy or plan;

·         Site identified is subject to ongoing investigation into its most beneficial use;

·         Scheme would enable new revenue source for the Council, as the type of housing proposed would generate 80% of market rental rate; and

·         Further consultation with the Tenants’ Panel required prior to bid submission, hence urgency of the matter.


The Cabinet Member, Finance, Performance and Risk, voiced support for the scheme and referred back to the earlier point on monitoring the commitment of funds from the Housing Revenue Account. It was agreed that this would be addressed by the report requested at minute no. 27. The value for money of the grant funding available was noted to be limited, but not prohibitive.


The Cabinet Member, Waste, Property and Environment, emphasised concern for considered approach in respect of project risks associated with ground works and cost implications resultant of current building height standards. It was agreed that assessment would be undertaken to ensure a viable scheme in this regard.


After discussion by the Cabinet Committee, it was,




That the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee:


a)    Approves the submission of a bid in line with the Framework guidance, and


b)    Gives Officers the discretion to continue improving and negotiating on the bid, provided that any amendments are approved by the Cabinet Member before submission takes place. Officers will report back to the Cabinet Capital Assets Committee meeting following bid submission of any amendments made, and


c)    Authorises Officers to work up the schemes, including gaining approval to include specific sites in the programme and the submission of planning applications so that by the time the result of the bid in announced, the Council is able to deliver in accordance with the anticipated timescales.

Supporting documents: