Agenda item

Public Participation and Questions from Councillors

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public.


This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by Members of the Council.


Questions must be submitted to by 12.00 noon on 11 September 2024.


Written notice of a wish to make a statement should also be provided whenever possible.



Eight general questions had been received for the meeting, which were provided in the published agenda supplement together with written responses.


Supplementary questions were received from:


·       Andrew Nicolson asked a number of questions on behalf of Margaret Willmot in relation to the cancellation of the National Highways Scheme for the A303 Stonehenge and how this would impact the local area, in particular improvements to the infrastructure for cycling, walking and improvements to local bus and rail services. He also commented on the Rail Strategy report being prepared by the LEP.


The Leader and Cllr Reay (Cabinet Member for Transport and Assets) explained that the Council continues to make a very strong case to the Government for infrastructure improvements along the A303 and alongside this the Council would investigate alternative funding streams for the schemes that had been worked up for the A303. The Council would continue working with rail operators following the cancellation of the rail schemes for Devizes and Corsham, making the case for necessary improvements. It was noted that the Rail Strategy Report would be published in due course.


·       Cllr Ian Thorn noted that expressions of interest in relation to government proposals for devolution of power would need to be submitted by 30 September 2024. He indicated that it would have been helpful to have discussions on the matter at this meeting. The Leader explained that the Council continued to hold discussions with neighbouring councils and an update on the expression of interest would be provided for Cabinet at their next meeting on 8 October 2024. In the meantime the Leader was willing to discuss the issue further with Councillors.


·       Cllr Ian Thorn asked further about the robustness of the draft Local Plan and revised NPPF housing targets and the ability to deliver the number of new homes. Cllr Botterill (Cabinet Member for Finance, Development Management and Strategic Planning) explained that plans submitted for examination within one month of the publication of the revised NPPF allows the plans to be examined under the previous version of the NPPF. Any higher housing targets would need to be addressed through the preparation of a subsequent local plan.


·       Andrew Nicolson asked an additional question on climate about the council’s ability to access data on methane emissions. Cllr Muns (Cabinet Member for Waste and Environment) explained that the council continues to work with partners across different industries in the collection of data. This data will be built into future delivery plans and strategies.


·       Andrew Nicolson asked an additional question about LTP4 and how climate issues have been incorporated in the Plan, the drafting of the rail strategy, and connectivity study between the M4 and Dorset. Cllr Reay (Cabinet Member for Transport and Assets) explained that the LTP4 is being considered by Cabinet on 8 October 2024 and there would be opportunity to ask additional questions at that time; there had been stakeholders involvement in the preparation of the Rail Strategy preparation, and Wiltshire Climate Alliance would be included in this; and further clarification was required about the current position of the M4 - Dorset Connectivity study.

Supporting documents: