Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Quarterly Revenue Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25
Cabinet approved
Cabinet noted
i. £0.079m from the Adults Programmes reserve to fund temporary roles and LD budget pressures.
ii. £0.018m from the leisure reserve to fund virtual studios
iii. £0.026m from leisure reserve to fund pool pods
iv. £0.007m for Enforcement Activity from the Business Plan Priority reserve
v. £0.051m drawdown to fund flexible pastoral support for care experienced young people in Families and Children’s
vi. £0.086m drawdown from the Supporting Families reserve to fund planned Families and Children expenditure
vii. £1.328m drawdown to fund flexible pastoral support in schools in Education & Skills
viii. £0.123m drawdown from the School Improvement reserve to offset savings in Education and Skills
ix. £0.231m drawdown from the Health & Safety reserve to fund investment in personal safety and other Health and Safety requirements in Assets
x. £0.204m from the iBCF reserve to fund schemes in 2024/25 in line with the approved plan
Reasons for Proposals
To inform effective decision making and ensure sound financial management as part of the Councils overall control environment.
To inform Cabinet on the forecast revenue financial position of the Council for the financial year 2024/25 as at quarter one (30 June 2024), including delivery of approved savings for the year.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Contact: Lizzie Watkin, Corporate Director - Resources (s.151 Officer) Email:
Report author: Cabinet Report Management Group
Publication date: 17/09/2024
Date of decision: 17/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 17/09/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 25/09/2024
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