Issue - meetings

Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 13)

Anti-Fraud & Corruption Policy

Report of the Director of Resources is circulated.



Councillor Fleur de Rhe-Philipe presented a report which sought approval of a revised Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy for the Council. This was based on an inherited policy from the former Wiltshire County Council and revised to reflect the unitary context of the Council and the overall framework which provides for the management of fraud risk. It was therefore a harmonisation exercise.


In response to a query, the Corporate Director for Resources confirmed that there had been no significant problems with fraud for a council of this size and that staff were monitored to ensure they took their allocated leave. The latter had only been a small issue due to the volume of work around the time of transition to One Council.




That the Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy at Appendix 1 to the report presented be approved and its contents be communicated to all Council staff and Councillors.


Reason for Decision:


To ensure that the Council has an up to date Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy for publication to all staff and Councillors of the council as part of a strategy to raise fraud awareness throughout the Council.