130 Independent Living Fund
Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director.
Supporting documents:
Council Leader,Councillor Jane Scott presented the report which provided information to Cabinet about the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF), and which asked Cabinet to consider the potential impact on customers and on Wiltshire Council.
In her presentation of the report, Councillor Scott highlighted the following issues: that the ILF had been set up and administered by Central Government in the 1980s; that the funding for the scheme, which 71 Wiltshire residents were in receipt of, would be transferred to Wiltshire Council; that although the funding had not been ringfenced by Central Government, Wiltshire Council would do so.
Councillor Scott also asked that when officer reassessed the recipients of the fund, this would be done so in a sensitive manner; and that she felt that Wiltshire Council was equipped to assess and provide appropriate support.
3. To request an update following the completion of assessments, including a report on any potential transitional arrangements required.
Reason for Decision: Wiltshire Council needs to work in a transparent and equitable way, to meet eligible social care needs, whilst managing the potential financial pressures that this transfer may cause.