Issue - meetings

Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Implementation Plan Update

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Implementation Plan Update

Report by Maggie Rae, Corporate Director


Supporting documents:


In the absence of Cllr Keith Humphries, Cllr Sheila Parker, Portfolio Holder for mental health, presented a report which provided an update on progress made against the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan and provided the current document for review. The report additionally updated members on progress with the establishment of a Partnership Board to monitor progress against the aims of the strategy.


Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: how the impact of the strategy would be measured; that the plan would evolve in the light of national changes and local needs; how other partners are able to monitor progress; specific action being taken, and such as Health training and art on prescription.




1.    To note the summary implementation plan and approve its publication to sit alongside the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy which has already been published.


2.    To agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board will monitor progress against the implementation plan and approve developments and additions to deliver on the outcomes between now and 2021, reporting into the Health and Wellbeing Board annually on progress.


Reason for Decision:


To update Cabinet on the progress with the implementation plan and to gain agreement that future updates can be developed and approved by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board.