Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 9 February 2016 9.30 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Yamina Rhouati  Email:


No. Item



Additional documents:


There were no apologies received.


Minutes of the previous meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 19 January 2016, previously circulated.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016 were presented.




To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016.


Minutes - Capital Assets Committee

To receive and note the minutes of the Capital Assets Committee held on 19 January 2016.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016 were presented.




To receive and note the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2016.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Leader's announcements

Additional documents:


(A) Recording of Cabinet


The Leader announced that the meeting would be recorded not for public transmission but to enable the footage to be reviewed to test the equipment with a view to broadcasting future meetings if the test proved satisfactory


(B) Revised Cabinet Scheme of Delegation


The Leader announced that she had reviewed Cabinet Member responsibilities. The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Skills and Strategic Transport would take on responsibility for strategic property. Responsibility for the operational use of property would remain with the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Waste.  This change effective from this meeting (9 February 2016) was intended to provide greater focus and clarity in the exercise of the council’s functions as landowner.


This change would be reported to the Full Council in accordance with the constitution.


Public participation and Questions from Councillors

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by members of the Council.  Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Yamina Rhouati of Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on Thursday 4 February 2016. Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above.


Supporting documents:


The Leader drew the meeting’s attention to the responses, circulated in agenda supplement 2 to the public questions received and invited Mr Richard Hames and Mr Ian James to ask any supplementary questions.


Mr Hames asked to follow up on questions 2, 3, 4 and 5.


In response to a request for more clarity, Cllr Sturgis stated that if proposals on brownfield sites had permission and were deemed deliverable then they could be considered as counting towards meeting the housing target in the Chippenham area in the current plan period. He went on to state that the deliverability of brownfield sites was affected by factors such as cost, contamination, ownership and infrastructure.


In response to a request for more clarity, Cllr Sturgis stated that Core Policy 10 referred to sites within the immediate vicinity of Chippenham and should not be confused with the need for a five year land supply within the wider North & West Wiltshire Housing Market Area. He went on to state that developments in the other towns in that Housing Market Area would not reduce the housing requirement within the Chippenham area.


In response to a request for paper copies of plans, the Leader stated that the Council encouraged residents to access the information online and that such facilities were available at libraries or council offices’ reception; to produce extra paper copies of planning documentation was not, in her opinion, a good use of public money. In response to concerns regarding the tight timescale to respond to planning applications, Cllr Sturgis that any consultation response made after the deadline, but prior to the determination,  would be considered as part of any determination by the authority.


In response to a question in relation to whether the Council had committed to selling land to Chippenham 2020, the Leader asked that Mr Hames submit his supplementary question in writing so that it could receive a written response.


Mr James thanked Cllr Thomson for the comprehensive response on the matter of the Broadband roll-out.


In response to supplementary issues raised by Mr James, Cllr Thomson clarified that: 80,000 homes would be given the opportunity to access high speed broadband in phase one by the end of March 2016; that issues with regard to poor services were varied, and were often subject to issues with providers; that the Council did not have access to information on individual household speed, and should not become a portal for people’s problems with their providers; that additional homes would be reached in phase two; that as the service became more commercially viable, the Council would be rewarded with extra funding that could be used to reinvest in providing better access for harder to reach properties; that as the 4G network improved, it may be that some properties’ problems could be solved that way rather than through the physical network; that there was a voucher scheme of up to £350 for people to buy equipment to provide satellite solutions; that there was a large campaign, backed by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


Budget Monitoring

Reports by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the following reports:


Revenue Budget Monitoring

Supporting documents:


Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report which advised members of the revenue budget monitoring position as at the end of period 9 (end of December 2015) for the financial year 2015/2016 with suggested actions as appropriate. In his presentation, Cllr Tonge referred to the actions taken to address any overspends to enable the Council to reach a breakeven position for the financial year. He stated that he expected a balanced budget to be achieved, and that the amount of reserves was in line with strategy.




To note the outcome of the period 9 (end of December) budget Monitoring.


Reason for Decision:


To inform effective decision making and ensure a sound financial control environment.



Capital Budget Monitoring

Supporting documents:


Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented the report which informed Cabinet on the position of the 2015/2016 Capital Programme, as at Period 9 (31 December 2015), including highlighting budget changes. In his presentation, Cllr Tonge referred to the reasons for changes in the budget, the reductions to budgets where capital expenditure was less than anticipated and that some areas had been reprogrammed into 2016/17.


In response to a query from Cllr Hubbard, it was clarified that the £122.7 million predicted to be spent in 2015/16 was net of the £38.6 million reprogrammed into 2016/17; that any revenue savings arising from reduced borrowing had been taken into account; and that the remaining budget for 2015/16 would be spent in that period.


There being no further debate, the meeting;




1.    To note the general budget additions for grants, contributions and other sources of £0.930 million as per Appendix B of the report as presented, and to note the period 9 position of the Capital Programme in Appendix A of the report as presented.


2.    To also note the reprogramming of £38.564 million between 2015/2016 and 2016/2017.


Reason for Decision:


To inform Cabinet of the position of the 2015/2016 capital programme as at Period 9 (31 December 2015), including highlighting any budget changes.


Treasury Management Strategy 2016/17

 Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


 Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, presented a report which asked Cabinet to consider and recommend that Council approve the Prudential and Treasury Indicators, together with the Treasury Management Strategy for 2016-17. In his presentation, Cllr Tonge highlighted the small number of changes proposed to be made from the previously approved strategy and mentioned the changes made during the year by Cabinet and now incorporated into the strategy.




To recommend to Council that it:


a)         adopt the Prudential and Treasury Indicators (Appendix A) and approve the proposed changes to the additional maturity indicator and Upper Limits on the Maturity Structure of Borrowing, Trl 5 (paragraphs 28 to 31 of Appendix A);


b)        adopt the Annual Investment Strategy (Appendix B), including the ratification of the removal of the minimum requirement for high credit quality relating to support ratings (previously in paragraph 28), following the changes to Fitch ratings implemented by them in respect of “bail-in”, as approved, via delegated authority to the Associate Director, Finance, Revenues & Benefits and Pensions;


c)         delegate to the Associate Director, Finance, Revenues & Benefits and Pensions the authority to vary the amount of borrowing and other long term liabilities within both the Treasury Indicators for the Authorised Limit and the Operational Boundary;


d)        authorise the Associate Director, Finance, Revenues & Benefits and Pensions to agree the restructuring of existing long-term loans where savings are achievable or to enhance the long term portfolio;


e)         agree that short term cash surpluses and deficits continue to be managed through temporary loans and deposits; and


f)          agree that any surplus cash balances not required to cover borrowing are placed in authorised money-market funds, particularly where this is more cost effective than short term deposits and delegate to the Associate Director, Finance, Revenues & Benefits and Pensions the authority to select such funds.


Reason for Decision:


To enable the Council to agree a Treasury Management Strategy for 2016-17 and set Prudential Indicators that comply with statutory guidance and reflect best practice.



Wiltshire Council's Financial Plan 2016/17

 The Wiltshire Council Financial Plan Update 2016/17 has already been published and can be accessed on the following link:


Please copy into your browser if necessary. If you have any trouble in accessing these documents, please contact Yamina Rhouati, Democratic Governance Manager on 01225 718024


The following additional documents will be made available with the Cabinet papers, once they have been published:


·       Report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee

·       Minutes of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee 3 February 2016

·       Minutes of the Group Leaders Meeting with Trade Union Representatives 4 February 2016


Supporting documents:


 The Leader invited Councillor Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Finance, to present the Financial Plan and associated reports which detailed the draft proposals for Cabinet’s consideration for onward recommendation to the Budget and Council tax setting meeting of Council on 23 February 2016 with a view to  setting the  Council’s budget for 2016/17.


In her introduction, the Leader emphasised the need to find more savings due to changing demand and the reduction in grant funding from Central Government and stressed the importance of economic development and job creation;. The Leader thanked the officers for their work on developing a draft budget that aligned with corporate priorities.


Cllr Tonge, in his presentation, highlighted the detail in the report; that the largest proportion of money was allocated to supporting the most vulnerable in our society; that the budget was focused on protecting front line services that delivered the Business Plan; that it was proposed to increase the Council Tax for the first time in six years; that the Council would look to maximise efficiencies; and that a nationally mandated rent reduction would need to be taken into account.


Cllr Simon Killane, Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee, outlined the process by which non-executive Councillors had been involved, and referred to the report of the Committee’s meeting on 3 February which had scrutinised the budget proposals.


Cllr Glenis Ansell, Chairman of the Financial Planning Task Group, outlined how major issues would be tracked, including libraries, Adult Social Care and spending on agency workers. She emphasised the importance of building relationships between members of her group and the Cabinet members. The Group had asked for greater clarity with regard to Local Youth Network funding, deposits for those renting and possible reductions in grants to the voluntary sector. The Group would also review, in 6 month’s time, the impact of the changes in Council tax to the debt levels.


Cllr Jon Hubbard, Chairman of the Children’s Select Committee, clarified that whilst he had been able to comment on the budget, his Committee had not had a meeting at the appropriate time to contribute to the budget considerations as a committee.


Cllr Tonge in response to an issue raised by Cllr Caswill over what constituted a front line service, clarified that a front-line service was a service used by the public. The Leader added that the Council was being clear to the public that, to enable the continued protection of the vulnerable, some support services had to be cut meaning that, for instance, response times to correspondence would not always be as swift as before.


In response to an issue raised by Cllr Caswill, Michael Hudson, Section 151 Officer, stated that the fees and charges policy agreed by council two years ago set out the process by which fees and charges were set, In relation to apparent significant increases, he added that this was a reflection  that charges may not have increased for some time or where fees where set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.


School Admission 2017/18

*     Reports by Carolyn Godfrey, Corporate Director

Supporting documents:


 Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, presented the report which outlined the School Admission Policy for approval by the Cabinet. In her presentation, Cllr Mayes highlighted the importance of child safeguarding and that the policy applied to all state funded schools in the area.


In response to a question from Cllr Jon Hubbard, it was clarified that parents received information about transport matters when applying for school places.


There being no further debate, the meeting;




To approve and determine:


a)          The proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admission to secondary schools for 2017/18.


b)          The proposed scheme for the co-ordination of admissions to primary schools for 2017/18.


c)          The proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community secondary schools for 2017/18.


d)          The proposed admission arrangements for Voluntary Controlled & Community primary schools for 2017/18.


Reason for Decision:


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to have a determined admission policy for 2017/18 in place on or before 28 February 2016.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Leader agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

Additional documents:


There were no urgent items.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

This is to give further notice in accordance with paragraph 5 (4) and 5 (5) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 of the intention to take the following item in private.



To consider passing the following resolution:


To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the business specified in Item Number 13 because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in  paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.


Reason for taking item in private:

Paragraph 3 - information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).



Additional documents:




To agree that in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting for the following items of business because it is likely that if members of the public were present there would disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act and the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information to the public.


Reason for taking the item in private:


Paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial information or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


No representations had been received as to why this item should not be held in private.


Provision of Waste recycling and Disposal Services (Part II Item)

*     Reports by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director



 Councillor Toby Sturgis, Cabinet Member for Waste, presented the report which  advised  Cabinet of the opinion sought from Counsel on the proposal to extend the contract with Hills Waste Solutions for the Provision of Waste Recycling and Disposal Services until 31 July 2017. Cabinet was also; asked to delegate authority to the Associate Director Waste and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste and the Associate Director Legal and Governance to extend the contract with Hills Waste Solutions for the Provision of Waste Recycling and Disposal Services until 31 July 2017.




That Cabinet delegates authority to the Associate Director Waste and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Waste and the Associate Director Legal and Governance to extend the Contract for the Provision of Waste Recycling and Disposal Services with Hills Waste Solutions until 31 July 2017.


Reason for Decision:


To enable the Council to maintain service delivery for residents, to comply with its statutory duties to collect and dispose of waste and to continue to progress towards achieving statutory targets until new contracts commence on 1 August 2017.